Sep 30, 2018

For a Different Age I Was Born

For a different age I was born,
Every man has once said,
Where each was to honor sworn,
Rather to all this cowardice bred,
Thus for a gilded time we mourn,
Insisting such days forever dead

Yet of all the feelings ever known,
longing for a time not your own,
is when true cowardice is shown,
especially if dark the age is grown,
for like dawn light in black sown,
all darkness will be overthrown. 

All darkness will be overthrown. 

Instead one is given a great gift,
born in darkness and darkest days,
he’s given trials, mountains to lift,
Aye, the very minotaur in his maze,
he’s called to be strong, to be swift,
a hero upon which his sons gaze.

So appear you king or appear you slave,
among the good or a people strayed,
with actions now, the future pave,
for the coward is he who delayed,
product of his age, cradle to grave, 
but an age makes not, it is man made.

It is man made.

video from :: Radix Journal / NPI 

Sep 28, 2018

The Beginnings of Hate

"Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince" & "The United Nations' Global Strait Jacket" by Joan Veon

Sent my first copies of these two great book out as gifts to Rosa Koire .. went to re-order a new set of copies again at the local bookstore [Tidewater Books} but the bookseller refused to re-order them for me.... imagine that?  U.N. Agenda 2030 is the return to feudalism and no land rights for anyone... if you are a commi promoting the Cdn not-so-grassroots 'decolonization' movement I will be keeping an eye on you... closely... count on it... I name names with my media company.. all who work to end the rights of individuals will be exposed and reported. Esp if you are an academic... our universities are run by outright marxists with an agenda.  Be wise.

Perverted Victorianism

"Sackville Commons" advocacy for Canada Action?

If its a place for the people to 'gather' but they are anti-fossil fuels in Canada then I don't think its a place I would gather .. nor pay to join .. nor support in any way.

Sorry Julia.,, you don't display the sticker in a visible location, you're no help.. had a mutual acquaintance pass on a sticker for you from Canada Action. Check into it... based in Calgary "Canada Action" advocate for our ethical energy sectors.
Its the right thing to do.. the "world needs more Canada"!

MAXIME BERNIER :: The People's Party of Canada

Dan Dicks, Press for Truth indie media interviews Maxime Bernier on his new federal party The People Party of Canada ..

Press for Truth -

Why No One Can Stand Hipsters

Harold Jarche Supporting Social Learning

Entrepreneur Harold Jarche is based in Sackville New Brunswick Canada... he may be reached through is Twitter..

Notes.. The social learning workshop starts 22 October Learn how to develop an integrated approach for workplace learning, to increase insights not just reduce errors'

Tantramar Landowners Association : An Ethics and Transparency Issue? Discuss.

-----> click the link .. a popular post at "Tantramar Landowners Association" Tantramar Landowners Association : An Ethics and Transparency Issue? Discuss.:   30something Julia Feltham banned me from her facebook pages age ago ...  please read up on the skinny on the fat cats who took over the town's asset "firehall and lands" for cheap now called "Sackville Commons" .. this is a communitarian hub.. its a club.. and its a subsidized venture promoting 'start ups' and 'new economy' collectivists.. cronyism, rampant in this town.. promoted by mayor and university.. a truely 'transformative' enclave.  Julia Feltham is a communitarian who previously was involved with the 'occupy movement' and 'transition town' minions.. the communitarian network is extensive.. should be researched and should be more well known... I took the 'opt out' .. these people are easy to spot.. they use the word 'community' exhaustively to mean they represent ONLY the 'players' in the club.. they claim to represent and support 'community' but ignore projects like Tantramar Skate Park [facebook] and promote 'abortion doulas', 'hackerthons', anti-Trump hand holding gatherings, and anti-oil and gas groups like 'Divest MTA' .. hard to imagine what sort of distorted utopia they "envision" collectively for our 'common future'.

2014 arrival.

Andrea Wilson, Sackville artist .. + waterfowl park photography, artivism

Andrea Wilson, art graduate and resident for over 10 years...
well done "art in the waterfowl park" summer *project Andrea!
*Collaborating with 'creation' and other co-creators.

Andrea Wilson - Artist in Residence for Sackville NB ..