Raising awareness in Tantramar on SOGI ideology education and what it is really all about in 2023.. learn more here:
Emily Duggan Moms Against the Norm Nelson BC March 18, 2023 (bitchute.com)
Local United Church Minister Lloyd Bruce weighs in on controversy here in Sackville NB at this link:
"Bruce and the church’s office administrator spent “the better part of Friday and Saturday” deleting comments, says Bruce. “Eventually I just came to the point of making a comment on the video and said, point blank, that any and all negative comments will be deleted, because I’m just not entertaining that kind of foolishness.”"
'It's hurtful': Sackville United Church minister calls out negative social media reaction to Pride celebration » CHMA 106.9 FM (chmafm.com)
For the record... Lloyd Bruce a church guy is not the first to delete comments and muzzle those concerned voices online.. and I'm sure he won't be the last one. Churches, as you know, do enjoy a tax-free status as a charity and are completely unaccountable to anyone... as they are financially supported this must make Lloyd Bruce feel a little superior and 'powerful' over others.
Located now in the brick building at the centre of town that was the Town Hall in years prior to 2012..
"Tomorrow (Saturday September 23rd), at 1PM a “World Wide Freedom Rally” is scheduled for Bill Johnstone Memorial Park in Sackville, NB. Organizers of the World Wide Freedom Rally say they “Support 5 Important Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Health, Freedom of Choice”.
Many analysts agree that this is a populist movement that is connected to the Freedom Convoy, rooted in a growing political movement to the right.
Yes, those freedoms listed above are important - but not to the detriment of those already vulnerable within our society, for example, those whose health may be compromised, or those whose agency is limited by virtue of homophobia, transphobia, systemic discrimination or racism.
You are invited to join with others to provide a quiet, colourful, counter presence to privilege that is veiled as a cry for freedom. Bring your joy and wear your PRIDE colours!
Gather at Sackville United Church (110 Main St.) at 12:30PM. From there we will make our way to Bill Johnstone Memorial Park to stand in witness to the power of love and inclusion, and in support of those who feel threatened by the cry for freedom by a privileged few." [ interesting to use the phrase "privileged few" when a minister lives a life of unaccountable privilege ]

More here on the work of the "affirm" folks at this Facebook page: Sackville United Church | Sackville NB | Facebook
As I avoid "rallies" of any kind I just observe and report here and I am recalling as well this article published back in 2019 is worth reviewing again:
Tantramarshire since 2016: Sackville NB's "United Church of Canada" and their "Affirm" movement (tantramarlandownersassociation.blogspot.com)
Looking at the blog that is run by the United Church Minister we see a man enjoying a comfortable life, which includes gratitude for his tidy house and his time at his camper and as well making commentary on our society and generally preaching to others online about his opinions. But what if Bruce had to face in person ALL the people that he has muzzled online and silenced I'm sure the confident smile would soon be wiped off of his face. As he seemingly has not the intelligence nor capacity to grasp the reality of this SOGI ideology on the people in this world or to even engage in conversations or acknowledge any problems, downsides or very real stories of the dark side of this 'affirm movement' and those who are now 'de-transitioning' and telling their stories and health problems in an attempt to warn others I feel very sorry for the local minister's closed mind at this crucial time in our history.
Read more from Lloyd Bruce United Church's voice for "affirm" in Tantramar at this link:

Let us recall the anger and outrage that erupted from the "rainbow flag cult" back in 2018 when a Straight Pride Flag was raised in Chipman, New Brunswick. At this link:
The true nature and demands for 'love, tolerance and acceptance' was revealed at that time. Please take comfort in knowing that the concerns raised in 2023 are still valid and not to be "shushed". Its one thing to preach to your flock but its quite another to foolishly assume the rest of the people here in this small town share your ideological views. I would suggest the United Church affirmers should begin to pay attention to the voices of mothers such as Emily Duggan and January Littlejohn on Twitter: twitter.com/JanuaryDoNoHarm
Calling people derogatory names online and dismissing them as hateful at this point isn't helping anyone because adults have discussions; tyrants shut down discussions. There will come a point when more people realize the real problems with SOGI123... but until then, keep paying attention. I choose not to ignore the voices of those who are "detransitioning".. I am grateful for mothers sounding the alarm.
Finally, of note...
Sackville United Church Affirmers [SUCA] was previously located in a beautiful old heritage building "Methodist Church" that was demolished in 2015:
"Members of the board voted four to one in favour of the demolition.
"It's a gut wrenching thing that we had to go through but that's part of civic government," Manchester said.
He said selling churches is not unique to Sackville and with changing demographics, many communities will deal with similar challenges.
"Fewer people are going to churches and supporting them," he said.
"Sackville has nine churches and so what do you do with all these very large structures — it's a huge challenge."
Manchester said he hopes whatever is built on the downtown site will include some of the architectural components of the church that are saved."
Other active remaining churches in the area include St. Vincent Roman Catholic, Middle Sackville Baptist Church, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Main Street Baptist Church, Salem Baptist Church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Chapel at Mount Allison University...
and as well historic 1817 St. Ann's Church in Westcock and others are listed at the Tantramar Heritage website link:
Historic Sites: 19th Century: St. Ann's Church, Westcock (tantramarheritage.ca)
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