Jul 10, 2024

Beaver Homes & Cottages - Featured Home Design - Bancroft

 Be sure to check out their website with some great additional new smaller homes [not tiny homes/dog sheds] designs available now.. 


at this link:

Bancroft - Beaver Homes & Cottages (beaverhomesandcottages.ca)

Just an additional note for the politicians locally who got a little giddy at the extremely "backwards" and undignified idea of housing people in tiny house/dog sheds.. shame on you.

You know who you are. Housing is a basic right.

Sober up.

You're paid well to work in the interests of this town and its people.. time to step up your game.

The Town needs to grow and it needs to develop.. it does not need to be held back from blossoming.

Help out or get out of the way.

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