Oct 12, 2024

If you're thinking you want to build your own home shouldn't you be supported financially too?


Smiling grabblers of SERSC - #DefundSERSC - unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, envirocrats, grifters, moochers and why do we need them?  More people need to start asking this simple question.
Cut the waste.. cut the spending.. cut the red tape.. and cut the meddlers who are interferring in politics.

Housing, kibbutzism, and the future of building?

$476K per unit in this new utopian ecovillage?

Hmm... that sounds a little expensive to me... I'm not a professional number cruncher but if the N.B. government is giving out money to special people [I call them kibbutz-builders] for "co-op" style accommodations in groups then isn't the individual also entitled to that same amount of $ per build? I think they are... and I'd also like to see more variety of things being built by more people to create jobs and create an economic growth in this region.  I know I am not the only one who feels this way.  Unfortunately, only some people seem to be given these financial advantages and I am asking why?

More information from ever-helpful Butler here:

"total cost to build the 63-unit eco-village is projected at about $30 million"


New 63-unit housing co-op calls for member interest as it awaits federal funding decision » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (chmafm.com)

If housing is a basic human need and right - as those people on the 'left' so often declare - why is it taxed so much [building, annual property taxes, fees, insurance, etc]? Food shouldn't be taxed and clothing shouldn't be taxed [basic human needs] and housing should not be taxed ... either owned or rented.. so why don't we as a society of decent and caring people start to advocate for each other more ardently and eliminate property taxes to take off the burden from all ages of home owners and eliminate the manufactured and senseless "housing crisis"?

Creating housing for others is a nice idea Eric and Sabine of Freshwinds but its also not the only way to go...

"Paying for it

The total cost to build the 63-unit eco-village is projected at about $30 million dollars, and if their funding is approved through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), about one third will be a forgivable loan, and one third will be a low interest loan. The other third stands yet to be determined, but could come from a variety of sources, says Eric Tusz-King, including other CMHC programs, NB Power efficiency programs, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and even community investors. “We currently have some investment in our co-operative from people outside of the co-operative,” says Tusz-King. “They think it’s a good project, and they’re still getting interest on their investment.”

The co-op will also be asking the municipality of Tantramar to help make up some of that funding, by in turn pursuing their own CMHC funding through the Housing Accelerator Fund. The HAF helps municipalities cover infrastructure costs, which are normally born up front by developers. Tantramar has yet to submit an application to the federal program, but it has been mentioned more than once at public council meetings."

and let's be real honest here... who wouldn't like a chance to be financially supported with some tax relief and fees removed to get into their own family home.. like the one shown below - not fancy but suitable for many of today's peoples' needs? Not everyone is a collectivist, many people enjoy some privacy and I am certain they would like the same sort of perks that these "co-op" people [owners, builders, residents] are all receiving from government schemes and programmes - low cost living but by their own design and with their own efforts:

Modern 2-Bed Garage Apartment with Entry Porch - 886 Sq Ft - 677048NWL | Architectural Designs - House Plans

The fair thing to do is let everyone make their own choices when it comes to housing.. and incentivize many different programmes by making housing ownership a very real possibility for all people, especially the working class who are so often forgotten as they go about their lives paying bills.

Taxes on all homes should be abolished -- this is one of the advocacy planks of the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick http://lpnb.ca @Official_LPNB

Tantramar's Libertarian Party of New Brunswick Candidate for the coming Provincial Election Monday, October 21, 2024 is Donna Allen.

Sign-up info here:  New tab (lpnb.ca)

"The more members we have, the more impact we can have in communities and in community actions. Share this page with others will help us grow the network we’re building for ourselves, that includes you!

” What else can I do? “

Here’s a concise step-by-step tutorial on how someone can help the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick become known in their neighborhood:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn about the core principles of the Libertarian Party, such as individual freedom, limited government, and free markets. This knowledge will help you effectively communicate the party’s message to others.
  2. Engage in Local Discussions: Participate in local community events, town hall meetings, or neighborhood gatherings to discuss issues relevant to the community. This provides an opportunity to introduce the Libertarian Party’s perspective on local matters.
  3. Organize Local Meetups: Arrange informal meetups in your neighborhood to discuss Libertarian ideas and the party’s platform. This can be done in a local cafe, park, or even your own home.
  4. Utilize Social Media: Share relevant news, articles, and events from the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick on your social media accounts. This can help spread awareness and spark discussions among your friends and followers.
  5. Distribute Literature: Contact the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick to obtain pamphlets, flyers, or other informational materials to distribute in your neighborhood. You can do this by leaving them in public places, handing them out to interested individuals, or even going door-to-door.
  6. Invite a Speaker: Contact the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick to see if they can send a representative to speak at a local event, such as a community gathering or a school event. This can help introduce the party’s ideas to a wider audience.
  7. Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick. They may need help with tasks such as organizing events, fundraising, or designing promotional materials.
  8. Join or Start a Local Chapter: If there isn’t a local chapter of the Libertarian Party in your area, consider starting one. This can provide a platform for like-minded individuals to collaborate and promote the party’s message in your neighborhood.

Remember, the key to successfully promoting the Libertarian Party in your neighborhood is to be respectful, open-minded, and willing to engage in thoughtful discussions."

Vote ------> your voice matters.

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