Apr 28, 2018

Free Bird Media Canada - #boycott CBC

 #boycott CBC

Watching the Collectivists .... Occupy Moncton, 2012..... Divest MTA, 2017

 Not much changes; just more fake grassroots minions are rolled out each year.

Confession Of A Reluctant Tribalist: Jordan Peterson's 'Individualism' Will Kill Western Civilization

Confession Of A Reluctant Tribalist: Jordan Peterson's 'Individualism' Will Kill Western Civ <--- click link for article from Tim Murray at CEC

"... Peterson would dismiss this prescription as another detestable effort to "re-tribalize" our society. Newsflash. That is exactly what 37 years of mass immigration was designed to do. We already are a nation of tribes. The only difference is, Euro-Canadians are calling for a level playing field, while Peterson is demanding that we leave the field. ... "

P.O.N.D. - Plastic Pink Flamingos at the MTA.ca Swan Pond .. artivists at play

Northern Reaction: Canada, Democracy, & Right-wing Activism

Tom Sunic - The New Right and the Religion of Multiculturalism - Red Ice TV interview

Author of books including:  "Titans Are In Town"

See more about Tom Sunic's work at Arktos ... with thanks to Daniel Friberg.

Apr 27, 2018

2017's "It's Time for a Tax Revolt" article by Lorne Gunther, Edmonton Sun

Bitchin' "Taxation is Theft" Tshirts available at libertymaniacs.com

Original article link here ...  

"This country badly needs a tax revolt.
According to a report released this week by Vancouver’s Fraser Institute, the average Canadian family earned just over $82,000 in 2016 and paid taxes of just over $35,000.
That means the typical family saw 42.5% of its income gobbled up by one level of government or another.
That’s a higher percentage than families in every other G7 country, except France.
That’s right, the Germans paid lower taxes than we did in 2016. And the Brits did too.
So did the Italians, the Japanese and the Americans.
According to Fraser, the 42.5% we surrender to federal, provincial and municipal governments is more than we pay for food, clothing and shelter – combined! We pay 37.4% for the basic necessities.
And what do we get for all that tax money? Basically two things: very happy public-sector workers and tons of waste.
Fraser looked at every auditor general’s report for the past 25 years and determined that the federal government alone has wasted nearly $200 billion simply by ignoring AGs’ recommendations.
On top of that, half of all taxes paid go to the salaries of public servants, who now earn salaries that are on average 10% higher than those of private-sector workers doing comparable jobs. Plus, they also have much better pensions, job security and benefits, work shorter hours and retire earlier.
Since taxes consume $2 out of every $5 Canadians earn, and since public servants’ wages consume half of all taxes collected, that means $1 out of every $5 a Canadian earns goes just to paying civil servants, teachers, bureaucrats, judges, social workers and other government employees.
And spare me the lectures on how the “rich” don’t pay their fair share. The top 10% of Canadian income earners paid closer to 56% of their income in taxes.
Enough is enough.
No government in the country has a revenue problem. No government brings in too little money, even though many are running deficits.
Governments are going into debt because they have spending addictions, not because Canadians are paying too few taxes.
And yet, despite all of the taxes we already pay, the federal Liberal government is about to impose one of the largest tax increases in history on middle-class Canadians.
Remember all the Liberals’ high-minded talk during the 2015 federal election campaign about standing up for the middle class?
Several campaign ads featured Justin Trudeau claiming a Liberal government would ask the rich “to pay a little more,” so his party could give middle-class taxpayers some much-needed relief.
Now those same Liberals are talking about small business owners and farmers – the very soul of the middle class – as if they were criminal tax cheats.
This summer, Finance Minister Bill Morneau has proposed eliminating many of the tax concessions employed by entrepreneurs and farmers to help them make up for the lack of benefits, pensions and job security salaried employees take for granted.
Because they have to save for their own retirements and pay their own health benefits, because they get no paid vacations, sick days, overtime or severance, and because they are constantly at risk of losing everything (including their homes), governments have typically allowed entrepreneurs and agricultural producers more write-offs than other taxpayers.
Small business owners may also lower their taxes by “sprinkling” their incomes around – paying dividends or salaries to family members who did a little work for their companies.
But because the Liberals are so greedy for more tax money, Morneau wants to close these “loopholes” and raise billions more (perhaps tens of billions more) every year.
Stop it. Now."  [with thanks to Lorne]

Tatjana Festerling --- Merkel is out to destroy Germany

Apr 25, 2018

Allies of Color - Richard Spencer talks with Nathan Damigo

Vivian Krause Letter to Gerald Butts

Mr Butts, Again, my letter to you from last year: My questions are more relevant than ever since we now know that Tides & its funders explicitly aim to “land-lock” Canadian crude. Pls clarify your role & why U were paid US$361,642 “severance”

Discussing quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson and Dr. Ricardo Duchesne


Check the website schedule and booking information here:  Book a Trip | VIA Rail

Michael Thurlow's 30 Point Manifesto - NSCLRP

The New 30 Point Manifesto 
of the National Socialist
Canadian Labour Revival Party.
A Copy of the Party Program The 30 Point Manifesto of Canadian
National Socialism. 1: We demand that the Nation of Canada become fully independent
from the Crown of England. We demand the secession of the
Nation of Canada from the Commonwealth. 2: We demand to the total unification of the National
Peoples behind a common National identity 3: We demand the immediate dissolution of the current multiparty
system and the constitution of a single party National State
republic fully unified by a single political doctrine 4: We demand the immediate arrest and deportation of all
UN officials, foreign ambassadors, and members of
international groups currently operating within the domain of Canada. 5: We demand the immediate banning of all interest lobbies currently
active in our government and for the members of the
Jewish/Israel lobby to be immediately arrested and tried for
sedition and for treason against the State. 6: We demand the immediate prosecution of all operators of
Kosher and Halal slaughterhouses on the grounds of undue
cruelty to animals and for prolonging the suffering of animals. Additionally: We demand the banning of Kosher and Halal products
and the criminalization of the sale of Kosher and Halal products. Also; we demand the immediate confiscation of all Capital held by
said companies to be taken into the public trust. 7: We demand the immediate denouncement of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission and for all antagonists within
the Aboriginal communities to cease their activities against the State. Additionally; we demand that the Decolonization movement
within the Aboriginal communities be treated as treason and sedition
against the domain of Canada, the realm of the State and the Canadian
People. 8: We demand that all current Aboriginal Reserves be reincorporated
into the Canadian State and for a single, serviceable area to be
designated as an independent territory where the Aboriginals 
can self-govern.
Additionally; Aboriginals who choose to abandon the protection of
The Canadian State and pursue self-governance within
such an area of land will no longer be the concern or responsibility
of the State of Canada Also; we demand that all Aboriginals who choose to remain within
the domain of Canada swear full loyalty to the State of Canada and
dissolve their ties to their past culture. 9: We demand that Citizenship rights be conferred solely to those
who are of European Heritage and that only those Canadians may
be members of the State Additionally; we demand that all Non-Citizens and Non-Members
of the State be reclassified from citizens to Resident-Aliens. Also; we demand laws which will protect the Canadian Citizenry from
Non-Citizens and the recognition that Residency for Non-Citizens is a
privilege which is earned, not a proprietary right. 10: We demand that international spending and immigration budgets
be reallocated and redirected to the investment in the National
economy and the creation of National industry.
It is the first duty of government to ensure that every Canadian
Citizen has a job and that every Canadian has enough to eat.
Therefore we demand: The formation of a new labour service which can
and will put Canadians who are otherwise unable to find gainful
employment to work in positions and industries which serve
the National Interest. Additionally; we demand that no industry or place of work can
discriminate against one member of the Nation for another.
We demand a natural end to affirmative action and work 
entitlement programs in favor of merit based hiring policies.
Also; we demand that large companies share a percentage of their
profits with their workers, and for all large companies to be
overseen by the State. 11: We demand the immediate Federal boycott of all International
franchises and international companies operating within Canada. To achieve this we therefore say that all money which is currently
spent on international interests be diverted into the creation of 
new National industries and subsidies for existing National industries
12: We demand the immediate dissolution of the Private Central
Bank/Bank of Canada and all private banking industry.
Additionally; we demand the criminalization of Usury and capital
gain through debt manipulation. Therefore we demand: The immediate arrest and prosecution of
executives and shareholders of the Bank of Canada to be tried
and punished in a manner befitting of treason against The People,
The State, and The Nation.
Also; we demand the immediate reconstitution of the National
Treasury and the endowment of power to the State to monitor 
the printing of and distribution of our National Currency and 
to endow the State with the sole authority to set the lending terms.
13: We demand the creation of new laws which would impose tariffs
and taxes on trade with all international currencies backed by
private banking enterprises.
14: We demand the immediate derecognition of the United Nations
and the complete termination of their authority over the 
formulation of our laws.
15: We demand the reconstitution of capital punishment for
all crimes of Treason against the Nation, for murder, rape 
and all serious crimes against Children.
16: We demand that all legislation on firearms be examined and
for the restrictions on pistols be lifted so that every member of
the Nation who is of sound mind and free of all criminal
infractions may own, if they so choose, any means of 
self-defense which can be made available to them.
Therefore we say: It is in the best interest of The People that
they be armed and endowed with the liberty to defend 
themselves against crime or to act on behalf of another to
prevent the loss of life or property.
Also; we demand the deregistration of all single shot, bolt
operated sporting and hunting rifles and that such tools 
should be made freely and readily available
to all members of the Nation who are free
of criminal records. 17: We demand the formation of a National Militia and
Homeguard where all men aged 18-55 may be called upon
by The State to act in the defense of the Nation and to 
protect The People against any foreign or domestic threat
to National security. 18: We demand the creation of a National Youth League for all
children aged 10 to 18 and for participation in this program to be
an extension of compulsory schooling so that children can learn
good civic lessons and to foster a sense of connection between
the Rural and Suburban communities.
Thus we say; that the strength of a Nation lies in the strength of
the younger generations who must be raised to understand the
responsibility each of them bears to the future of the Nation
and their role in creating that future.
19: We demand two years of compulsory military service for all
young men from 18-20 and that all young men pursuing higher
education should study for those two years in a military college
where they can pursue their academic field of interest while 
also providing a valuable service to the Nation.
20: We demand the dissolution of the RCMP, “Provincial” and
“Local” police to be replaced by a division of the Military Reserves
to act as a police service directly regulated by the government
which can ensure that every case is handled by the book and
that policing standards and practices are universal across the
Nation. Policing standards and practices must remain diligent
and strong but no more than is necessary to facilitate the 
well-being and protection of the Citizens from crime.
21: We demand new programs be created to ensure that every
veteran can find gainful employment after leaving the military.
22: We demand that retirement benefits and social security
benefits be paid at 55.
23: We demand new laws which will change how land is owned. Therefore we demand: The right to expropriate any land through
resumption and that all lands be considered the eminent domain of
the State. Additionally; we demand laws abolishing the exploitation of peoples
through ground rent Also; we demand laws which will abolish and criminalize land
speculation. 24: We demand new laws which will limit or abolish consumerism
and asphalt culture Therefore we demand: New laws on advertisement through media that
would limit the number of advertisements that can be aired during any 
given hour on television. As well as prohibit product placement and 
billboard advertisement.
Additionally; in order to create a strong, unified society, we demand
the creation of laws which would endow hereditary rights to rural land
and properties as well as the abolition of property and inheritance 
tax on land to ensure that farmlands and rural communities be
passed down through the generations.
Additionally, we demand programs which would allow for rural
expansion in the undeveloped Northern regions of the Nation and
for all land acquired by the private citizenry to be immediately
granted hereditary rights.
25: We demand the borders be closed immediately. Additionally; we demand that all Peoples currently awaiting
refugee status or those who have attained refugee status have their
status revoked and for all refugees and first generation immigrants 
to be deported back to their Nations of origin.
26: We demand a provision that would allow Natural Canadians
the opportunity to receive an interest free loan upon marriage to be 
paid back in full. However, for each Canadian child produced 
by the couple, 25% of the loan is forgiven up to a maximum of 100%
Additionally; we demand the immediate repeal of same-sex marriage
rights and the immediate repeal of same sex adoption rights. 
Homosexuals cannot produce children naturally and therefore should
not qualify for State endowed benefits or rights through marriage.
27: We demand that new programs and policies be adopted to help
facilitate good National health.
Therefore we demand: That all large companies incorporate a
15 minute calisthenic program, particularly in sedentary industries.
28: We demand laws and legislation which will protect and preserve
our Racial and cultural heritage as Canadians.
Additionally; We demand the immediate termination of the current
urban planning committees and a return to traditional architecture, 
buildings and for higher priority to be placed on civic art and
Therefore we demand: The immediate removal of all Modern
Art sculptures and statues which are vulgar displays of 
meaninglessness and for such sculptures and statues to be replaced 
with inspiring pieces which speak to the Race Soul of the Nation.
29: We demand the formulation of a National Press and laws
which will prevent the media from demoralizing the population
or inciting self-hatreds within the National Race.
To create a National Press we therefore demand: -All editors and writers of newspapers must be members of the Nation. -All televised news media must be presented by members of the Nation -Non-Citizens cannot own or control Canadian media -Newspapers or
Media which spread anti-Canadian propaganda must be banned -All actors appearing in Canadian television must be members
of the Nation. 30: We demand a Government which serves the interests of the
National Volk; if the current administration or future administrations 
are unwilling or unable to meet these demands we therefore state 
that the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party will
work in every capacity, including giving our lives, to ensure that 
these changes are made to the structure of the Nation.

Big Rings - John Searl SEG Magnetics - video by Jason Verbelli USA

Erin Morton Ph.D. - Feminist, Decolonizationalist - Canada

"I think its important to focus on alternative systems of governance. As we learned from the Fontaine and Boushie murders, we aren't going to find justice in colonial works." - Erin Morton, Ph.D., feminist, "white settler", anti- European activist, Canada [NB Media Co-Op 2018]

So ignoring the rule of law and creating an alternative one because ... muh .. 'social justice' ... eh? Wow. Erin has no respect for 'white folks' and talks a lot of shit .. she is a race baiting, pandering, whackademic.

Apr 24, 2018

Technocracy aka borgmind

Politicians all work for the 'borgmind' known as technocracy .. they don't work for you .. once you understand that everything they do makes a lot more sense .. .. tax is theft .. Read: Technocracy Rising.. The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation [USA]

Message from Rick Simpson, Simpson Ramadur Publishing

Dear Canadian friends, finally 📚 is available to buy or order within 🇨🇦 thanks to our retailer Olivia Brown at Professional Cannabis Consulting. To order now, contact her at:

" A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right In The Words of Its Members and Leaders" - Arktos, 2018

"A Fair Hearing:  The Alt-Right In The Words of Its Members and Leaders" ..
To be published by Arktos Media Ltd. in April of 2018, A Fair Hearing will feature the alt-right’s most prominent figures and exciting thinkers on the topics they are most passionate and knowledgeable about.

... /\ .. Read:  link here ..  Arktos on Twitter  ...  "Making Anti-Globalism Global"

Apr 22, 2018

Liberal's latest: Soft on Terror, criminals - Michelle Rempel

Travis Patron - Canadian Nationalist Party - nationalist.ca

Read up at this article from Council of European Canadians - CEC - recently published at this link ---> interview with Travis Patron

Xurious - Metapolitical War

This track is dedicated to Arktos — Making Anti-Globalism Global Since 2009 — http://www.arktos.com

Safe Water Halifax ~ Facebook Project

Real grassroots advocacy and environmentalism .. because humans & pets matter.
Thanks Dana Landry - please check out her work on Facebook.  Sign their petition.

Hey Canada... the United Nations is not your friend .. #opt out

The unbearable destructiveness of angry 'divest' movements across Canada

Perhaps its academians that are becoming a thing of the past Prof. Walters? Prof. Michael Fox, and anyone else calling themselves a 'climate leader' on campus...

This is just not good work.
There is no evidence to suggest that climate science is settled. None.

This 'divest' stuff is not grassroots.. its a deliberate attack from outside forces on our Cdn industries and workers and companies.. it needs to stop.

The notion that we need to 'get off fossil fuels' is simply absurd.
Wellness and health and prosperity are important to all.

We should be supporting ethical Canadian industries.. not attacking them.

Fossil fuels have - in truth - improved the lives of millions on the planet earth.
Are students being taught to attack Canadian industry on our campuses? I think so.

Students who support 'divest' movement and protest and demand the end of the use of fossil fuels are completely lost in my opinion... its a tragic miseducation..

Its a good idea to give students information that will benefit them.. not dumb them down.. we don't need unenlightened, angry students being produced in fact we need intelligent, critical thinking and motivated young minds to work with creation and improve humanity and we're not getting that from our current campuses.