Oct 12, 2019

Who is Michael Thurlow? What is NSCLRP? Why was he removed from Twitter?

Michael Thurlow's Canadian political party is the 
NSCLRP National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party

Brian Ruhe interviewed Michael Thurlow
in May 2018 but his video channel has been deleted..
 many were purged in early June -
 including my youtube account "Indie Media Eastcoast",
Mark Brahmin, Xurious UK musician,
The Great Order, Vertigo Politix,
The North, Zyklon B. Peterson, 
just to name a few ... 

Anna Slatz, a then student at UNB, covered/published Michael Thurlow's ideas at thebaron.ca

Ronny Cameron spoke with Michael Thurlow -
video interview link here with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfkQGa5JDU0&t=68s

"nazi" patriotic notions of the men who came before us are 
almost all but forgotten these days.. 

Sackville flies the UN flag in a show of submission
to the mantra of global citizenship... 

Professor Matthew Sears UNB Fredericton Campus
lives in a perpetual state of outrage, offended, triggered
 indignation and apologetics ideology...
his twitter is no longer available

Sears @ UNB is a classic case of a medicated social justice 'windbag'
 and he is a good example of what to avoid for a professor..
he is a very damaged politically biased 'educator' ..
instructing his followers to vote for the NDP.

Twitter removed Michael Thurlow's account last year, and removed mine.

There's a huge problem on our Canadian campuses with free speech.
One professor on Twitter said "its a shell" at WLU..

Also published on this blogger was Michael Thurlow's 30 point Manifesto for

In my interractions with Michael Thurlow on Facebook and Twitter
I have found him to be an intelligent and compassionate individual.

I consider Thurlow's views as valid as anyone else's and considering 
how much anti-white hatred is being spewed in
our Canadian universities I consider his voice relevant as well.
Blogger removed his NSCLRP site.

Posters below found on UNB's campus were
 connected to NSCLRP - Thurlow's party - shown below:

Acadia University's Professor Rick Mehta was attacked just
for interracting with Michael Thurlow on Twitter.
Rick Mehta was subsequently dismissed from Acadia University.
Rick Mehta's Twitter and Youtube accounts 
have not been censored and are both available to view.

I've written on the ideas of Michael Thurlow in the past on this blogger
when the CBC reporter's interview of him was suppressed ...

and when his Facebook was taken down.

Michael Thurlow's Facebook page was since re-instated:

The UNB Saint John student newspaper "The Baron" has gone silent on Twitter since early 2018 after apologizing for publishing Michael Thurlow information & ideas.   https://twitter.com/thebaronsj

We apologize that The Baron published articles that gave voice to harmful & hateful ideas & opinions this week. We are working to remove this content from our account as part of our commitment to editorial accountability. Full statement: )

The published statement is also unavailable at this point.. imagine that?

Interview with Michael Thurlow – Leader of the NSCLRP: thebaron.ca/2018/01/25/int

When I reported Michael Thurlow @ for an endless stream of hate filled racist, white supremacist and anti-Semitic tweets directed at POC, Indigenous and Jewish people this was the response I got from UNBELIEVABLE!

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