Apr 7, 2021

Tantramar Seniors' College Revived 2021 : Depth, Truth, Clarity #SMASH TECHNOCRACY


Education is a life long pursuit for individuals; especially as we now live in a 'technocracy' and not a 'democracy' as we had been lead to believe.... 

Information is power and assists you in navigating through our society's culture more easily and more confidently.  Your mental health is important too:

Many informative books are recommended here:

Studying, reading and thinking independently in your free time is great & as there is no need for in-classroom attendance during 'covid19' you are able to learn at your pace and at your leisure.. so this time is essential!  This is the new age .. this is the Great Awakening:

Propaganda in our modern society is rampant:

In a university town it might seem difficult to get past the academics and the 'chattering class' with their obviously overpowering influences and left wing bias but it is still possible.  Thinking isn't illegal yet and personal freedom and liberty are always taken - never given.. you are wiser for it.

Read more about Maurice Strong in the classic Elaine Dewar book "Cloak of Green" - I found a copy at the university's library a number of years ago... it had not been checked out since the 1990s!
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, Canadian [ quoted in "Cloak of Green" by Elaine Dewar, 1995 ]

UNCED Earth Summit audio with Strong, Canada's Biggest Useful Idiot in recent history....

Maurice Frederick Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC, FRAIC (April 29, 1929 – November 27, 2015) was a Canadian oil and mineral businessman and a diplomat who served as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. Strong had his start as an entrepreneur in the Alberta oil patch and was President of Power Corporation of Canada until 1966.

A helpful audio link of "the big bad bank" 

The importance of critical thinking and reading the books that are not offered at the university campus or promoted by the professors who are well paid to indoctrinate students -- which is unfortunate.

The books that you would have to 'custom order' at Tidewater Books in town -- the books that matter.

These books you will find most informative.

This key video featuring Australia's Ann Bressington, a courageous and honest politician, should give further clarification - watch at this link:

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