Oct 23, 2021

WARNING: Charles Beaver Pharmacist: Proceed Without Caution in Sackville New Brunswick!

The generous media coverage for the pro-vaxx crowd of hysterics continues locally at CHMA...

Celebrating with over 7000 jabbies under his belt during this 'scamdemic' .. keep an eye on Beaver who is not a doctor but just another big pharma vaxx minion working locally as a useful idiot ... imagine thinking injecting poison into human veins is a good thing? This activity should be outlawed.

"Community spread" is a communitarian term which isn't even logical..... you have to believe in the cult of 'community' to believe that its even possible in a sparsely populated province of 777,000 to consider 101 total deaths to be a massive concern.. that's called 'group think'.

Blindly ambitious is how I would describe minion Chas. Beaver [wonder what sort of 'meds' he is on].

Beaver's newest plans are for pushing into our children's schools next and nailing more old people in care homes with his 'voodoo jabbies' as well as annual flu shots... so going after the young and old is really pathetic work Charles... and you can't be fired.. you're like a machine on auto-pilot..

Friday on Tantramar Report: Higgs and Russell announce circuit breaker extension; talking boosters and budgets » CHMA 106.9 FM (chmafm.com)

Just because Charles wears a white jacket for his job doesn't make him an expert on medicine and healthcare... he is basically a legalized 'community -approved' big pharma vaxx drug-pusher.

There is no science to back up Beaver's statements that vaccines keep people healthy. None. Zilch.

The fact that all people are being coerced due to threats of losing their employment would of course increase the demand for vaxx... du-oh... what else are people going to do? Are they supposed to go hungry and lose their homes and jobs/livelihoods?

Sadly, I think that this misguided businessman actually thinks his work is heroic and necessary.  101 deaths in New Brunswick in almost two years time just isn't worthy of a 'state of emergency' declaration .. and there is no justification for the hysteria.. no matter how you slice it... its nothing more than the usual number of people who die from seasonal flu - or old age for that matter since that is the true demographic of people dying... so the fears are unfounded but they are actively fuelled by misinformation and lies.

For more pro-vaxx big pharma salesmanship go visit at CHMA mta.ca cabbalists aka journalists:

Charles Beaver on boosters, kids vaccines, and the importance of the drop in appointment » CHMA 106.9 FM (chmafm.com)

A lot of money is now flowing to enriching multibillionaires with bigpharma vaxx industries and test kit producing companies... and that is money that could be funnelled instead to provide food, clothing, and shelter to the "needy".  So sad.

It would be great to have an actual public debate with Patty Vaxxer Quinn who seems to think that healthy people all need to be vaccinated rather than perhaps boosting their own immunities by maintaining a healthy weight through good food choices, regular exercise and self-care.. Quinn - indigenous admin. - is just another misinformed medical advice minion online for Mount Vaxxed Uni. Inc. {MVU Inc.}

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