Oct 17, 2024

#LibertarianLens: Special Guest: Keith Tays, Leader of the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick

Conversations with the King... Joseph Gregory Hallett's interview with Stan Barabas - Bitchute Video Channel


"Most people are profane reactors.. they just react to stuff.. and its quite hard.. they're just angry defensive listeners... " - Joseph Gregory Hallett, King John III .. more here:

A conversation with The "King" of UK Joseph Gregory Hallett! (bitchute.com)

Five Provincial Political Candidates Gathering Last Night in Dorchester's Veterans Community Centre

 A Small Gathering with questions and discussions..

Thanks Jonelle.. Our Team — Greater Dorchester Moving Forward Co-operative (station8nb.ca)

Greater Dorchester Moving Forward event with CHMA FM Mount Allison University's Erica Butler

Ideas were exchanged.. the ideas are always good.

2024 New Brunswick Leaders Debate - New Brunswick Provincial Election October 21, 2024

Lots of yammering about healthcare, again..


Eco Fredericton Arthur Taylor NDP Politician Fredericton on Twitter and Facebook


Megan Mitton Green MLA Tantramar's meet-up with Arthur and signs a pledge of some sort to Join the Coalition "NB Coalition for Transgender Rights" last year [Facebook screen capture].

NDP Arthur Taylor's Facebook group "private" is at this link:  New Brunswick Coalition for Transgender Rights | Facebook

This year on Twitter Arthur has come out as an NDP candidate in the Provincial Election this month and Tweets here:

NDP candidate for Tantramar is Evelyne Godfrey was interviewed by Erica Butler CHMA FM:

NB NDP candidate Evelyne Godfrey talks campaigning for ‘party of the left’ » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (chmafm.com)

Pierre Barns spoke at the Stand United rally outside the CBC offices in Vancouver B.C. October 15, 2024

Connect with father/advocate Pierre Barns here:

and at his website --http://exposingsogi123.com

Oct 16, 2024

Can You Handle Another Scandal? Cheryl Gallant Conservative MP Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke

Black Flag - Rise Above [Henry Rollins lead singer]

Jealous cowards try to control Rise above We're gonna rise above They distort what we say Rise above We're gonna rise above Try and stop what we do Rise above When they can't do it themselves We are tired of your abuse Try to stop us it's no use Society's arms of control Rise above We're gonna rise above Think they're smart Can't think for themselves Rise above We're gonna rise above Laugh at us Behind our backs I find satisfaction In what they lack We are tired of your abuse Try to stop us it's no use We are born with a chance Rise above We're gonna rise above I am gonna have my chance Rise above We're gonna rise above We are tired of your abuse Try to stop us it's no use Rise above Rise above Rise above We're gonna rise above We're gonna rise above We're gonna rise above

Henry Rollins explained once why he rarely if ever took drugs or alcohol. He said something like, "What you see on stage is me with no alcohol or drugs, and my energy is off the charts. Can you imagine me on speed? No. That would not work."

"Rise Above" sticker - photography by Indie Media Eastcoast

Steven Young - "A Fool's Wisdom: Science Conspiracies & The Secret Art of Alchemy" on Terrain Theory Podcast


Dr. Steven Young on rejecting scientism, practical alchemy - Episode 137, Terrain Theory podcast here:

Episode 137: Steven Young on rejecting scientism, practical alchemy, a – Terrain Theory

"Steven Young is a Master of Science and Theoretical Physicist (PhD) turned Alchemist by way of shamanic experiences and de-indoctrination. He is the author of A Fool's Wisdom: Science Conspiracies & The Secret Art of Alchemy, the creator of Hedflux, and the progenitor of Audio Alchemy: the Hermetic approach to music production. In this conversation with Steven we discuss:

  • How a trained theoretical physicist came to reject theoretical physics and the very foundations of science
  • The direct opposition of modern science with the ancient science of Alchemy
  • The shamanic experiences that opened his mind to the problems with science
  • Disentangling the Christian world view from Alchemy
  • The Alchemical processes
  • How to begin applying Alchemy to your life

...and more!

Learn more about Steven and his work on his website or follow him on Instagram. Purchase his book A Fool's Wisdom: Science Conspiracies & The Secret Art of Alchemy.

Support Terrain Theory on Patreon! Our recently-launched member platform gives you access to a ton of free & exclusive content. Check it out: https://www.patreon.com/TerrainTheory

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Learn more at www.terraintheory.net

Music by 
Chris Merenda"

Date:  September 22, 2024

Note also:

Steven Young did a ten part series interview this year with Greg Hallett ____>>>>

Part 1 here:  British Frauds on England's History A Fool's Wisdom PART ONE - YouTube

Marine Le Pen of France Visited with Quebecers and Spoke with CBC


Marine Le Pen's prosecution by CBC.. tough to find the translated version of this video...

Entrevue avec Marine Le Pen (youtube.com)

... a good discussion of interest still today. Read

more here:

France's National Front leader calls Canada's refugee plan 'madness' | CBC News

Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right Front National, visits Quebec | CBC News

Quebec politicians slam Marine Le Pen's visit | CBC News

Vote Holt Election Sign 2024 - First Woman Premier in New Brunswick - Let's Make History!


A Statement From Greg Carlwood Regarding The Tragic Loss of Tracy Twyman in 2019 [ The Higher Side Chats Podcast ]

More at this fascinating archived December 26, 2017 podcast with Tracy Twyman and Liber Ohio, here:

Oct 15, 2024

Dr. Judy Wood on The Collective Resistance Podcast November 25, 2023

More here:

Why I'm Voting for Bruce Phinney Conservative MLA for Tantramar [Updated] - Election 2024

Team Higgs - New Brunswick's current Premier born March 1, 1954 is a father and grandfather.

Bruce Phinney's interview with Erica Butler here:

Sitting down with PC candidate for Tantramar Bruce Phinney » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (chmafm.com)

"I'm not a follower... " - says Bruce Phinney, long time town councillor for the Town of Sackville [now Municipality of Tantramar].. running for MLA for Tantramar provincially in the election year... "I enjoy being a councillor.. you can't sit back and not speak out... one thing I've learned you gotta have a thick skin.. I've had a thick skin all my life."  

Personally, I like that Bruce Phinney is questioning the BIG problem of the SERSC - South East Regional Service Commission.

You will not find a single politician locally who has the long standing record of serving the people of this region with as much integrity and honesty and engagement as Bruce Phinney.  His record on council speaks for itself.  He has been so much of an advocate for transparency and truth that the local mafia at the town hall have suspended his pay and punished him not once but twice in the past.  I dare anyone to stand up for what is right in this town and not get hammered.  Bruce Phinney is a rare bird.

He gets my vote and hope you throw your support behind him too.  He does not back down.  He sees problems but also wants to discuss solutions with anyone who will engage with him.  His style is to draw up the conversation and see where it goes.  He does not struggle with ideologies because he is an elder who has lived long enough to understand that everything is nuanced and everything needs to be addressed from the point of view of more voices not less.  You won't find anyone as honest and as good natured in politics in this town today.  I have talked to a lot of politicians since I moved here in 2010 and Bruce Phinney has always been the most genuine and the most accessible.  Phinney returns phone calls and returns emails... he is a stickler for being in touch and being honest and if he doesn't know the answer to something he will find out for you and get back to you.  Bruce Phinney has also shown the most support for the Tantramar youth's new concrete skate park project and he has also disclosed to me the ongoing problems and the various people who have been blocking the project here.  I trust him.  I support him. He'll work for us.

Thanks Bruce Phinney for stepping up in 2024.

More here from Pilgrim: COLLEGE OF SECRET HISTORY - YouTube

Twitter with Pilgrim: (5) Pilgrim (@Pilgrim10311517) / X

Podcast here on the root of problems and solutions:

247worldradio.com/247 World Radio Broadcasts/EJP Hour 2 Preaching & Teaching/EJP-20240719-Analysis of the Trump Shooting.mp3

Once you understand the lingo of the opposition.. the rest becomes a lot easier to cope with.

ACL Books Alaska author Niki Raapana 1956-2022 wrote about the problems with communitarianism...

and as well 
a number of years ago Marine Le Pen of France visited Quebec and spoke with the CBC about the problems with communitarianism.. but who is really listening to the women at this point?

The problem is as plain as the nose on your face.

The hexagram design above is found in the mosaic mural that's located in the front covered entrance area to the Town Hall built over a decade ago here for over a dozen million $$.

Where is there real push-back though?

Fact: The Town Hall is the local home of U.N. sustainable development global governance efforts.

..some locals pushed-back without naming the agenda..

At this point I'm still waiting on confirmation [from Donna Beal] that I'm allowed to speak at the Town Hall this month on the project for the Tantramar Skate Park Project .. a new concrete venue requested in 2013 by youth.. I want to follow up on their request of long ago and on the record while Bruce Phinney is still on the Town Council ...

Bruce Wark publishes locally here with some lively debaters in the comments section - latest here: