Sep 18, 2018

Fighting Globalism | w/ Stephen Garvey, TPS #146

Thanks J.F. Gariepy and Stephen Garvey for this interview...

One of the comments I read at National Citizens Alliance facebook was:

"I have serious concerns about Canada's future as a multi-cultural society. I am also disgusted by the way your rally was shouted down back east. The "Left" is doing exactly what the "Right" did 50 years ago - shouting down anyone with a different opinion. It is very disturbing that a person cannot voice any opinion on immigration that is not pro-refugee without being called a racist. I am disgusted by the people who demonstrated against you - denying your right to rally and speak freely. These people are practicing the hate that they claim to be speaking against. The "reverse" racism that is occurring is extremely frightening. CBC radio is a platform for reverse racism. I can be proud to be First Nations. I can be proud to be Black. i can be proud to be Latino. I can be proud to be any race but I dare not say I am proud to be white or I am labeled a racist. I am allowed to have Black Pride Day, First nations day, or any other day to celebrate my race, but as soon as the word "white" is added in place of "Black" or "First Nations" then suddenly it becomes racist. I am also disturbed by the fact that ALL races took slaves in the past, all people were conquering each other, but the only ones being held accountable are white people. Why does the Iroquois Nation not have to reconcile with the Huron Nation whom they destroyed and took as slaves. Why do the Swahili not have to reconcile with the pygmy people that they enslaved and put down in gold mines with their entire families because they worked longer if their families were with them in the mine. Why are white people being held accountable for something every group of people was doing in the past. If the First Nations people want to be called "Nations" then they should have to claim the responsibilities that go along with being a 'Nation". They were fighting and conquering each other and taking each other as slaves long before the white man every set foot in America. I have always judged a person individually - on who they are regardless of race - jerks exist in every group, but lately I have growing concerns about the number of white people who want to stand up for equality at the expense of their own equality. I fail to understand how we create equality with acts of inequality. I fail to understand how we create tolerance with acts of intolerance. Something is coming. It's like the "Beast" is waking up. I believe your group is headed in the right direction. I am stunned that people do not think immigrants need to recognize Canadian values. I fail to understand why many immigrants do not choose to stay where they come from and fight for what they supposedly believe in. If they won't stay and fight in their own country to make it better for their families then what happens should Canada ever end up in a war again. History repeats itself over and over. I have no money but if I can help in some way and give voice to the legitimate concerns that you are trying to express, I will do so by giving you my vote in the next election."

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