Sep 17, 2018

The Mind Renewed - Julian Charles speaks with Peter Ford

"Statement on impending US, UK and French military intervention in Syria", Global Network for Syria (August 30, 2018)
This is an important post. Peter Ford, a former UK ambassador to Syria—to whom we spoke recently—has confirmed to me this evening that the following statement by members of the Global Network for Syria was published today.
In the statement—signed by people as well-known as Lord Carey (a former Archbishop of Canterbury) and Baroness Cox (a prominent cross-bench member of the House of Lords), among others—the signatories express deep concern over recent statements by the US, UK and French governments that they will "respond appropriately to any further use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime", and call upon these governments to exercise extreme caution before committing to any kind of military action.
The statement is remarkable, I think, in its candour—given the way in which people who question such issues are often treated by the mainstream media—and I urge everyone to read it in full. Please also share this statement as widely as possible."

The Mind Renewed - Julian Charles interview with Peter Ford at this link

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