Nov 13, 2018

Controversial Michael Thurlow - National Socialist News Canada [ NSCLRP party leader ]

2018 Facebook post... 
Referred to as an "expert on far-right hate groups"; UNB professor David Hofmann says:
"The NSCLRP has presented an ideology that paints whites as victims, a common tactic among contemporary right-wing extremists."
In this Nation; and this isn't speculative, this isn't hypothetical; there are serious doubts about the potential for home ownership among people under the age of 30.
This is thanks, in no small part, to the international property and real estate speculations. There are other factors as well, but one which cannot be ignored when it is the easiest issue to resolve is, especially on the West coast, Asiatic property speculations. Non-Nationals have the ability to buy property, land and housing due to some of the most absurd legislation I've ever read. Legislation so absurd that even the current administration with all its errors talked about resolving what they refer to as the "foreign-buyers loophole", Trudeau himself addressed this issue in 2016, and to the present date the loophole remains wide open. Yet another example of Government by talk.
Affirmative Action is another problem facing Canadians today. Diversity quotas for university, for employment opportunities, we have spoken to several people who sent resumes out with fake names and resumes with their real names attached and they reported that their "Ehsan al-Abdabi" or "D-Shawn Jones" resumes received much higher returns.
It's not just Affirmative Action either, it is the ravenous anti-social clique of Marxist footsoldiers, Black Lives Matter "activists" and ANTIFA members who will write letters or make threatening phone calls to corporations and businesses over a lack of diversity as we saw with the CEO of Firefox and the Marvel Comics incident several years ago. Employers are afraid of being called "racist" or "discriminatory", they are afraid to lose business, they're afraid of the bad press, they're afraid of the damage one tweet could do to their reputation.
In 2016 in Calgary, an aboriginal yelled "I hate white people" before punching a Canadian woman in the face and the incident was ruled not to be a Hate Crime by the Canadian courts.…/indigenous-woman-yells-i-hate-w…
And finally. Associate Professor, Cynthia Levin-Rawsky (Holder of duel Israeli Citizenship) wrote a book entitled "Whiteness Fractured"; one of many such books attacking European and Canadian racial identity.
It is abundantly clear that we are not exaggerating or imagining these attacks against our Race. We do not, as this Professor suggests, endorse violent solutions but violent solutions will become inevitable the harder the Enemy pushes. We want to avoid that. No nation is immune to Civil War, and it's undesirable that we should war, but it is not outside of the realm of possibility.

[deleted tweet from the editor-in-chief at "The Baron" UNB SJ newspaper]

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