Sep 12, 2023

Re-Posting " Blue Elephant Gallery " vs. Anti-Business Cult Run University Town

Some commentary online
 suggests that the
 "downtown is dying".. 
but is it? 
reports read here:

"Sadly, our downtown is dying, our housing is now very expensive"
- Dodie Perkn, September 6, 2023 comments section of the article

Original shared 5/31/2019 [pre-convid shitshow... how many more businesses disappeared since then?]

A little story about the culture of this university town.... set in the beautiful Tantramarshire!

One day on the park trails while walking my dogs I saw a group of university students being given a tour through our beautiful waterfowl UNESCO park and I remarked to their young tour guide employed to show them around "keep an eye out for the heron folks" ---- to which he smiled and said "Oh we don't have any of those here"... this is the mentality of the university chattering class in a nutshell.. they know everything, and you know nothing... hence the label I received of a 'low class unimportant trouble-maker' according to one town councillor Bruce Phinney here .. so is it true? No.. they don't know everything but what's worse is they are not willing to learn new things ... its mentally a "closed shop" here....  That's my experience here with indoctrinated closed minds .. after 12 years. . . its only gotten worse with the blind leading the blind.

Home-base to my indie photography project since 2011... "Beautiful People in New Brunswick" - find on video Beautiful People in New Brunswick Canada (

Some might call it a witchhunt... With so much censoring from 'community bullies' ensuring my accounts are removed at LinkedIn, Vimeo, Spreaker, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube it has been simply impossible to work in this abusive and oppressive town which behaves more like a cult! It is impossible to make a living in this U.N. cult obsessed highly-censored place... and no wonder!  I have seen so many businesses failing here over the last decade - it is simply tragic... Sackville NB is the last place that I would ever recommend investing in or becoming an entrepreneur in or attempting to start a business in -- its 'management' actively work against free enterprisers who do not fit into their 'acceptable opinions' club of thinkers for a new planned community economy cult'.  First clue to people should be that the town flies the United Nations' flag ... why??

The problem here lies with the management in the 
town hall .. there are serious abuses going on
there and its not a healthy workplace.
Ron Kelly Spurles is an unqualified business
development manager / tourism manager
working for the Town
and has been consistently 
rude and disrespectful to me
-- he will actually threaten me, phone the police to report me, and he pulls out his 
cell phone camera and films
me while I attempt to talk to him...

 as for his wife Patricia Kelly Spurles 
an equally unpleasant character who
has asked me to move away from the town
while swearing at me as I photographed
some peony flowers at the front of her garden
which were a beautiful red wine coloured bloom..
"Patty" is a very well paid tenured 
Mount Allison University professor.
[I'm not going anywhere Patty: I love my little
cellphone-free, small town, peaceful lifestyle... got it?]

The Old Iconic George's Roadhouse in the wintertime...

Backstreet cottage?...

Sara's on Bridge Street..

Kraken Ink Tattoo came and went.. like so many small businesses... too many to count..

The people doing well in this town are the chattering class attached to the well funded
charity that we call a university 
more here:

or they are working at one of 3 public schools ...
or they are working at a government office..
 and as well anyone in the trades
 who 'services' the chattering class here.

The town is very pretty with lots of appeal.... 
aesthetics are important.. of course.

But the "cult" like reality of this little town behind the facade is very different...
on @TantramarNB on Twitter 
with no plans to 
take down their 
rainbow logo ever.. why?

Massive amounts of money flows
 to the university coffers
and that's a fact.. 
the university is doing fine.

The Big Clit arts palace... on campus .. replacing the Historic War Memorial Library [cultural gaff]

“A lot of people’s consumption is related to wanting to fill a little bit of a void, or wanting to reward yourself for something, or wanting to improve your life in some difficult to pin down way,” says Kelly Spurles. 

The ironic twist to this story:  Patricia Kelly Spurles just helped herself to $3,000 free money from the Town of Tantramar for her latest pet project with pal Julia Feltham "Marsh Mendz" a "non-profit"?

Since Spurles family are very well off they don't need the $3,000 cash but the sport for them is the grift ... grabblers are gonna help themselves.. and the abilty to 'help themselves' to the piggy bank here whenever they want is apparent and reaches into their theatrical endeavours with local drama group "Live Bait Theatre" [nothing creepy about that name.. is there?] .. this is the money we see moving .. what about the unreported money we don't see moving into their hands?  Perhaps an extensive and forensic audit is due for the curious activities of the Spurles duo?  Entitlement is when you truly believe your efforts are more important than others and you deserve free money for them.

More here on the $3,000 grift..

Should also be noted that Patricia Kelly Spurles brought in "race based hiring" on her campus.
One heck of a legacy from this Montreal-trained 'change agent' .. so is karma going to prove to be a bitch for this gal? Find the "expert" at her Twitter:

Cisgender Assoc Professor of Visual and Material Culture Studies at Mount Allison. BA MA McGill; PhD U de Montréal. Protect trans kids/Be anti-transhate LOUDLY

One thing we know for sure in Canada in 2023... the "grifter class" loves to perform for us for $$$

but I recommend starving these beasts and "vote with your money" where ever possible.. #opt out.

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