Jul 8, 2019

Thatched Roof Homes - Western Civilisation Photography

"Western Civilisation Photography" is a new regular feature at this blogger...

While many 'social justice' busybodies are happily removing the heart and beauty of  'western civilisation' education from our youth's curriculum we're going to showcase it and highlight it here for the sake of ' being on the record '.  Neglecting western history is a mistake.. academics seem to be happy to make that mistake.

Simply beautiful isn't it?

Photo found at "Rightmove" Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rightmove.co.uk


In addition...

Sir Roger Scruton most recent newsletter, on the ludicrous dismissal, the need for beauty, and on entrenched modern architecture's fierce protection of its rights to destroy every single street that remains to us, in the name of progress.

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