Nov 15, 2019

What is " Antifa International"? Are They Connected With Universities?

Photo of agitator Alex Khasnabish wearing his " antifa " tshirt
from TV interview when Edward Cornwallis  statue was being targetted
for removal in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada last year...
the black and the reds.. police know these agitators well by now..
they are networked online...
Alex is an associate university professor at Mount Saint Vincent University
 and he sat down with Bruce Frisko on CTV recently to discuss
politics, climate change, elections, division, and
Canadians feeling of pessimism...

Recently Angry Alex Antifa has been concerned about some postering
found on campus "ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE"

Does Sackville NB have any " antifa " supporters/promoters?  Yes.

Greta Thunberg (and her folks!) are antifa.

This was located on pole near town councillor Bill Evans' home
and reported directly to Mayor John Higham.

Sackvillians should be aware about this organization.

& monitor with "Far Left Watch" group

"extremists" promote violence, open borders, anti-capitalism, anti-free
speech -- inline with international globalists/bankers -
"useful idiots" are used as tools to agitate on the ground..
often with their faces covered.

Today - Alex Khasnabish works with the group called
 " Halifax Against Hate " ..

We are still trying to determine from activist/journalist Bonnie Russell,
"The Black Cat" reporter who took this photo below
if this man in the mask is Alex Khasnabish:

Twitter Alex Khasnabish
Researcher, writer, teacher. Social movements and the radical imagination.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Joined February 2018

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