Oct 2, 2019

Why Canada is a Mess - Stephen Garvey speaks with Laura Reinsborough

" climate refugees " .. could number in the millions coming to Canada...

Stephen Garvey talks with Laura about the mass immigration numbers this year of 950,000 ..  National Citizens Alliance opposes mass immigration....  Questions whether its also an environmental issue to let so many people into Canada so fast.
What are your thoughts about 950,000 newcomers per year? How does mass immigration not become a real environmental issue with an added strain on  our nation's affordable housing, food, jobs, healthcare, transportation, education costs, etc.  Can we as a nation afford to be that charitable or should we be putting the welfare of Canadians first? Discuss.

Liz May says:  https://www.greenparty.ca/en/media-release/2019-03-20/turning-people-away-border-same-building-wall-says-elizabeth-may

Liz May is promoting open borders essentially - UN Agenda 2030 global gulag.

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