Oct 30, 2019

Andrew Scheer - leader of the official opposition in Canada got the most votes in 2019

I'm not concerned about Andrew Scheer's personal
decision not to attend gay pride parades and I like that 
he opposes carbon tax and liberal corruption..
Trudeau 2.0's spending is out of control and the young people in 
Canada will have to deal with this massive debt load in the future...
Scheer's virtues are many .. he's calm.. he doesn't pander 
and his personal values are traditional... he's a family man... 
he is not a silverspoon who is out of touch with Canadians..
he is not a Laurentian Liberal Elite puppet..
that's why I support him 
#Scheer for PM

Evil forces are coming against the one person who is FOR ALL Canadians. They want to replace him because he is NOT beholden to the QC Elites PowerCorps. 🙏Keep him in your prayers🙏 !!

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