Oct 24, 2019

"Defend Life" Nova Scotia Sign Removed; "NB Right To Life" ~ UNPLANNED movie

"UNPLANNED" movie... https://www.facebook.com/UnplannedMovie/

"DEFEND LIFE" ... [ this billboard was removed from the landscape .. sadly ]

New Brunswick Right to Life:  https://www.facebook.com/NBRightToLife/

Call +1 888-796-9600
At NB Right to Life we work to educate on life issues from conception to natural death. We support dialogue, but inflammatory statements will be deleted.
Company Overview
We are the leading voice for life in New Brunswick! Our motto is Life for All, Love for All - and we mean it! We support life in all stages from conception to n... See More
Founding Date
NB Right to Life was founded in 1980.
Pregnant and need help? Call the Women's Care Center at (506) 459-5901.

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