Nov 15, 2019

Spiritual Journey $300 per person with Elder Noel Milliea from Elsipogtog First Nation

The Sackville Commons is proud to sponsor Noel's Medicine Wheel series. Are you interested in learning how you can integrate the medicine wheel into your own journey? This 12 week series will take you on a journey within.

Join us with Elder Noel Milliea at The Sackville Commons, November 6th til February 5th (With a holiday break December 25th & January 1st) from 6pm to 8pm. Noel will guide participants through a journey within to explore & to empower the amazing spirit that lives within utilizing the healing model of the medicine wheel: Founded within the discipline of native spirituality.

Cost: $300
To register: Visit Eventbrite, e-mail us or visit The Sackville Commons 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Minimum 20 participants 25 participants.
Please contact organizers if alternative financial arrangements need to be made.

Top Notch Grifting... Well done ..

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