Mar 19, 2020

Interregnum #45 — Lovers of Sophia with Jason Reza Jorjani [ Iranian/American ]

Any academics that are caste out are of interest to me .. as they are dissidents.

Arktos podcast discussion on "Lovers of Sophia" by author Jason Reza Jorjani

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Jason Reza Jorjani on Twitter

Jason Reza Jorjani: "The assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump is likely to be viewed by historians as a catalyst comparable to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand."

Author Jason Reza Jorjani is an Iranian-American and was forced out of academia by mobbing/bullying/smearing.

Jeffrey Mishlove has set up a 'gofundme' to help out Jason with his next project:

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