Jan 23, 2020

Bernie Farber's White Man Witch Hunting in 2020: Canadian Patrik Mathews - Arrested by FBI

"Former Canadian army reservist and accused white supremacist Patrik Mathews" reads the media headline....
I wonder if the media will eventually realize that whites are innocent until proven guilty... probably not.  All we know about Patrik is negative and sensational so far.  A Canadian "bad guy" with connections to "THE BASE" and that he had fled into hiding to the USA after being hounded by the press and social media in Canada.... I wonder how this story would be marketed to the public if Patrik was an Arab, Asian, or African rather than an Aryan? 

Bernie Farber, formerly with Canadian Jewish Congress, now with the 'fair-minded' funded group of collectivists going by the online name of "Anti Hate Network" in Canada has been a vocal and avid information agent when it comes to Patrik... one could say he is obsessed with "neo-nazis" which are apparently lurking around every corner in Canada!  I have no idea how young men and women think the "nazi" ideology suits them - perhaps they're receiving substandard education on the use of critical thinking... but if one were to listen to Bernie Farber there are an awful lot of them and its a growing problem.  Is his assessment accurate?
Has Patrik Mathews got a chance in hell of being heard by anyone in the media that is neutral at this point?  I would be happy to publish any information or statement that Patrik Mathews wants the public to know about him.  I wonder why his voice has not been heard in any significant way?  What is the role of media when it comes to reporting accurately on people accused of being "white supremicists"?  Is a supremicist and neo-nazi being confused with an identitarian-- a more accurate term?  The reality in this story may be that Patrik Mathews is probably just a Canadian man who doesn't apologize for being white.  I have seen the media attack Ricardo Duchesne with the full force of a biased shitstorm from all directions so I do not have much in the way of respect for the media.

Elisa Hategan's Affidavit also sheds light into the ethics and behaviour of Farber in more depth here at this link

This is journalism at its finest. Kudos to Ryan Thorpe for his solo effort in exposing Mathews and The white supremacist The Base.
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Ryan Thorpe
I’m down in Greenbelt, Maryland today where Patrik Mathews and co-accused William Bilbrough will appear in federal court in 40 minutes. Follow this thread for updates. There will be a full story online tonight at the WFP website and in tomorrow’s edition of the newspaper. #wfp

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