Mar 31, 2020

Gladiator • Now We Are Free • Hans Zimmer

According to Keanu, that spiritual shift is taking place. People are tired of unnecessary wars, totalitarian leadership, and authoritarian control. People are waking up to what is really important in life.

I think people were really scared the world was ending until, you know, very recently. It just felt like things had gotten out of control. We’d lost any hope of being able to save ourselves from the dark forces in the world.
But just open your eyes for a minute and look around at what’s happening. It’s astonishing. People like Trump are lifting the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation.
Love him or loathe him, he is allowing humanity to wake from its slumber and see that the same few people, the same secret societies, the f*cking New World Order, are actively controlling our lives and suppressing our true ability.”
But people are slowly waking up. It’s time to take back our infinite power and fling open the doors of the mental prison we have been encouraged to build for ourselves. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it’s time to walk into the light of freedom.”

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