Apr 6, 2020

"Food Control" is coming... food rations and more soft tyranny...

The people offering to help you, especially in troubled times, are the very ones happy to watch capitalism burn... they are 'communitarians' .. pay attention.
Its OK to resist 'communitarians' and their oppressive social engineering.
Read up at "ACL Books" https://www.facebook.com/aclbooks/

Know your enemy and #boycott Sackville Commi at the 'Commons' - they are not on your side they are on the side of the banksters and UN Agenda 2030 global governance fascists.. they are communitarians who want control of every single aspect of your life - including implementing 'social credit scores'.. do you think I'm kidding about this? Tantramar is overrun with these minions... more than happy to do the bidding of their global governance masters through their funded 'start ups' public-private partnerships and NGO non-profits.
Welcome to their Brave New World... eh?

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