Apr 5, 2020

Mayor Higham's Message on COVID-19 Developments - April 2 2020


There is no pandemic.  Zero deaths from "corona virus" in New Brunswick.

This government attempt at an economic 'coup' is locally being spearheaded by minion in Sackville elected Mayor, Rotary member, communitarian change agent, 'community agitator' John Higham acting in bad faith and ATTEMPTING to deceive the public in his 'role as Mayor' extending his term now until October 1st, 2020.  The Province has suspended all elections this year.


By attempting knowingly and unlawfully to destroy the businesses of entrepreneurs and free enterprisers and by dictating the suspension of ALL CITIZEN gatherings of 10 or more people and by holding ONLY private teleconference town council meetings your participation puts you all in contempt by your actions meant to deceive and harm the general public.


Directive to ALL bad faith "crisis actors" involved, including but not limited to Tourism manager Ron Kelly-Spurles, Corp. Manager Jamie Burke, and in particular 'community agitator' John Higham, CAO Phil Handrahan, and all other Town of Sackville staff, and all duly elected town councillors:

You must resign NOW in good faith and face no repercussions for your part in an attempted coup by way of a manufactured charade and deceitful deception of the public and to forthwith provide written confirmation of your resignations and/or provide videos of your resignation for the public to be advised of your good faith actions and shared at this blog site.


You must cease and desist acting in bad faith as the CROWN IS IN INTERREGNUM with no force and no effect on Canadians.

All government taxation has now been suspended.

All current elected officials are now null and void having pledged and sworn an oath of allegiance to a "flat lie royal".

Notice has been given.

Testing at the microbiology laboratory at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton has identified three new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in New Brunswick to 98.
Of the 98 cases, 57 are travel-related, 31 are close contacts of confirmed cases, four cases are from community transmission and six cases remain under investigation.
Six patients were hospitalized and two have been discharged. Four patients remain in hospital, with one in the intensive care unit.
To date, 28 patients have recovered.
The new cases, which are under investigation, are:
An individual aged 20-29 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region)
An individual aged 30-39 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region)
An individual aged 50-59 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region)
“We are at the point where we are going to see more community transmission,’’ said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “We are adapting daily to this changing health-care crisis. But the one thing that has not changed is the importance of people staying home.”
Up-to-date information about COVID-19 is available online.

The only crisis taking place in New Brunswick is a crisis of common sense

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