Jun 11, 2020

Trump v. Deep State 2020... Enjoy the Show Folks!

Donald J. Trump, POTUS #45
music: Enigma

Notice for both windbags Bill Evans, Rotary Cult / Club Member and Town Councillor and John Higham, Rotary Cult / Club Member and Mayor [ although you were all supposed to have been voted out on May 11th elections ] ... Please take heed...

White Voices

To whom it may concern, Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We appreciate your commitment to tolerance and would like to applaud you for listening to diverse opinions. Our concern, as White Advocates, is that rhetoric that is purported to be designed to help with racial issues often exacerbate relations between groups and can cause division and resentment. Programs and classes about “White Privilege” inculcate a sense of guilt and shame into white people and are based on the pernicious idea that whites are inherently oppressive to other racial groups. “White Privilege” indoctrination is a passive-aggressive, psychological attack on the well-being of whites as individuals and as a people. Certain political groups have crafted what is called “The Progressive Stack” which puts white, heterosexual men at the bottom of the social order on the notion that they oppress others. We see this ideology manifest itself in policies and laws like Affirmative Action, incentives for non-Whites and systematic ridicule and debasement of whites and their cultures and history. This type of racism should not be tolerated and is a bane on our free and equal society. Please join us in publicly condemning “White Privilege” indoctrination as a hateful, anti-white attack on an entire race of people. Sincerely, White Voices

I'd also like to take this opportunity

to thank the local RCMP officers

who in my opinion do a great job,

are reasonable, fair-minded, and

have a lot of bullshit to put up with

in a town full of 'social justice' dorks.

Today's news reporting on how there

is systemic racism in the RCMP is

obviously more anti-white abuse

directed at the men in uniform who

are now being expected to apologize

just for being white. Ridiculous.

The sooner Brenda Lucki resigns..

the better. Trudeau 2.0 is a divisive

and ineffective leader for Canada.

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