Jul 10, 2020

Derek Sloan. Conservative. Without Apology

The pattern of vandalizing and defacing monuments has unfortunately spread like wildfire these last few weeks, and Canada is not immune.
A particularly offensive case of it occurred earlier this month in Ottawa.
The Monument to Victims of Communism, which hasn’t yet been finished, was defaced by vandals who promised that “Communism will win”, and festooned it with the greatest symbol of oppression of the last century, the hammer and sickle.
This act of vandalism is a heinous insult to the memory of the victims of the most murderous ideology in the history of world to whom this monument is dedicated.
It’s an insult to the relatives and friends of those victims who created and paid for the memorial.
And it’s an insult to Canada, a country which has stood throughout its history as one of the guiding lights of freedom where those who lived under the yoke of communism dreamed of fleeing, and many did.
We often talk about the growth of ultra-leftist ideology within the Canadian government, education system, and other institutions. Sometimes we call it “cultural Marxism”, and there’s a tendency to see it as just a collection of objectionable ideas and words that people profess to believe.
The defacing of this monument is a sobering reminder that there are people in our own country who want to bring the suffering endured under communism in other countries to Canada. We must be ever vigilant to oppose them and their misguided ideas at every turn.
Communism is a vile ideology that killed—conservatively—100 million people in 100 years. It also caused untold suffering for innumerable others who were forced to live under it.
Every single time it’s been imposed, communism has increased privation, suffering, and death. Everywhere communism has been tried, it has failed.
Many of those who suffered under communism thought it could never come to their nation. But it did.
We must never, for even a second, take the freedom we enjoy in Canada for granted. We must, as our anthem says, stand on guard for it.
This starts with fighting cultural Marxism. It’s one of the reasons I got in this race, to uphold conservative ideas unapologetically and expose the lies of the radical left which threaten Canada.
Communism will not win.
Will you stand with me?
Derek Sloan,
Conservative. Without Apology
More at info@dereksloan.ca

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