Aug 9, 2020

In Love Unlimited. How to be Your Own Hero. Announcements and Denounceme...

What is being a Hero? Honesty, in my opinion, would be anyone's first step. You can't know where you're going without knowing who you are and where you've been. One big challenge with 'going public' is you get to see yourself, flaws and all, while sharing those shortcomings with any who wish to see. As promised, here is my personal review of my own 'mistakes' from my first full you tube video with Cambell from Spiral Up. A lifetime in the making, now here for all to enjoy, is my very first 'full titled video', on how I continue to struggle to live a life 'In Love Unlimited'. I intend to upload several new videos each week, either solo or with others who are also working in their communities to bring about a more loving dream for any who wish to participate. All with a focus on Freedom. Lorenzo

Comment and Subscribe. Open to Questions, Feedback and Suggestions.
For Spiral Up-

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