Aug 1, 2020


Kingof.UK records Predictive Programming forming an interrelating pattern beyond manufacture, which hints at a history to be unveiled. It clearly states some Royal Families are fake, others more true, and others destined.

Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web.

 – The Meditations, Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (161–180)
[Quite possibly Jesus' Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson, as per his writing,
and ’The Hidden King of England – Arma Christi,’ p. 1056.]

Predictive Programming: when media – film, books, or public works – describe a Person of Interest well ahead of time, to the near exclusion of all others, alluding to their relevant actions and real status in props, lines, names, themes and subsequent movies.

When the scenario codes are unveiled, they cannot be unseen, resulting in a recognizable story fulfilled … and everyone knows.

This ratifies the myth, legend and prediction in the Person of Interest, who then brings more material to support the objective.

Predictive Programming sidesteps the massive public relations exercise normally required to associate a person with an outcome [as per a politician and their promises].

Predictive Programming was anciently created to specify the right person in the right place at the right time to create an important and timely outcome, foreseen as a necessity. This outcome may have already been accomplished, fully, partially, or continuing ... by the time they become known.

Predictive Programming … ancient and current cooperating causes … a mark of the one and only … right man for the job … well worth listening too … has the codes … unveils the secrets … reveals the true drivers … and already has an accurate history.

The truth is remarkably precise in its unbelievability.

The hallmark of truth is in the details, and those details tell a story, and all the stories interrelate, through reoccurring detail outside the storyteller’s control – so bold, no fiction writer ever had the nerve to imagine this.

Predictions are held by the high secret orders. It is the reason for their creed. What they do in the meantime is secondary – sometimes messages to spur things along.

When running the World, the fulfilment of Predictions takes precedence over everything else and is always carried out, but with resistance advertised – no one understanding what is being said. In these cases, what is being carried out is a surprise to almost everyone.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the transfer of Jerusalem to the Holy See are two cases in point.

Predictions are held secret and passed down through certain families, some unconsciously, and only lifted in trance.

Predictions are obviously secret as there is no single word for someone who fulfils prophecy.

The closest is perhaps “the Predicted One”, who has been confirmed in all available media throughout the ages ... first in writings, then in books, and now in film – the most popular media – the best being comedy and action as they imbue the message easiest, deepest and longest, and is the most comfortable means to related to others.

Most predictions that we know about have been partially stolen, taken in part, lack the full picture or process, and are reproduced without full understanding.

In the fulfilment of Predictions, the Name and Timing are ultimately important. What’s in a name – Nomen est Omen. The Name and Timing negates usurpers trying to re-enact.

Stolen partial predictions result in manufactured fantasies, and often end in zombie movies, as per the 2017 ‘The Mummy’. The rest of it has some accuracy to it.

“Zombie” is actually Bible Code for the acceptance of Ashkenazi as Jews in Israel.

The Predictions are often laced with humour.

In the physical life, the Fulfilment of Predictions is codified, not in the inactive positive, but in the active, negative enough to render it newsworthy and memorable.

All of us have been laced with these memories so that we recognise the remarkably precise truth when it is told from the unbelievable inside by the subject. This is the case with the Bible, Rosicrucian Cosmography, the Tradition Received, and some built structures.

The truth reminds us of legends, which act as a framework, with the myth element simultaneously discarded. Insight!

Men and Women are especially attuned to predictions. We are even dependent upon them. Without predictions, life lacks its full potential. It’s through predictions that we aspire.

The fulfilment of Predictions is codified in the active negative, in blacklisting, heroin trafficking, suspicious death/s or near death, side-lining, removal of history, denial of public acceptance or promotion, but accepted as correct decades later, while b depersonalized into apparent silence, without mention of name ... accompanied by attacks from the Military inside the Alternative Media, which includes their Media hosts, Administrators and Researchers, and covert murder attempts by them, as well as sabotage by data theft.

The dates and time between hits is also significant, and should be read in detail.

This is the heavy site without the conspiracy.

99.99% of the info on the Web is fake. Everything here actually happened, as markers for “All Predictions Fulfilled” – which is how the world is run, and why it is run that way – on the Fulfilment of Predictions ... by the Bold and the Brave.

It all seems perfectly normal at the time, but looking back on it – an amazing narrative.

Predictions and the Fulfilment of Predictions are shown primarily through videos and interviews, affirmed by current history, confirmed through high-budget movies, which include ‘The Once and Future King’ (1958 book) as shown in the 2003 ‘X2:X-Men United’, and the 2016 ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, but et cetera et cetera.

Even the extended Timeline is just a glimpse, which is why all of this material has been so unusual to collate. Almost as soon as its done, another aspect of the Predictions would be fulfilled, until they all stopped in the Autumn of 2017, just as they were predicted.

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