Apr 15, 2021

CHMA 106.9 fm $5 donation challenge issued by Sackville Uncensored GenX Mum blogger


Tell them I sent you on 

behalf of 

King John III Kingof.uk and


Global Breakthrough Energy Movement 

Dave's Rock Emporium on Bridge Street downtown made me some custom buttons...

CHMA 106.9 fm listeners are 

invited to learn more &

 CHMA reporters are invited to introduce themselves and their

 readers/listeners to Global BEM 

open source energy intelligence @


artivism that matters... outside where the magic happens xo xo

Bucky Fuller is one of the

 Hall of Famers at Global BEM

Aranga /\/\/\ - 
The Awakening 
with King John III ... 

Learn more about our new King at:


Collaborate and listen. 

Please help us 
all to
spread the word.

If your university 
does not make 
you feel valued and excited 
to learn about new
information maybe its 
not an education
but an indoctrination.
Forced vaxx and forced wearing of facemasks 
here has been abusive
and must stop! 
Make a stand and
remove them and
 be fearless.  
Demand less 

The truth is we have nothing to fear 
and this hyped 'pandemic' is a fraud
... there is clearly no state of emergency!
Blaine Higgs Premier has
 committed massive fraud
--this was a terror operation carried out
with the help of useful idiots
like these...

and elsewhere around the world...

Learn more about the technocracy
and the envirocrats at
 Patrick Wood's 
"Technocracy.news" website:

Patrick Wood is also part of the 
GlobalBEM.com group.

What is a "technocrat"? 

More at this CHMA story on Sabine Dietz [a technocrat]
 who ran for Mayor in 2012 and removed my commentary from her blog and then sent me an email explaining herself and justifying her censorship of me ... 
bad move Ms. Dietz...
achtung baby... 
stop clobbering free speech 
eco-nazi -- your pre-occupation with climate change
makes you the last person needed 
on our town council during an economic
crisis deliberately created to destroy lives:

CHMA · April 13 
CHMA wants you to meet your candidates! Here's the next in our introductory interview series, with Sackville town council candidate Sabine Dietz.

[why is their comment section now closed at their website?]

Meanwhile, ongoing promotion of vaxx profits for big pharma continues, perhaps ask them why when you make your $5 donation.  Why would healthy people need to get jabbed by big pharma for profits and injury? Very odd.
Does a pharmacist really have the authority and credentials to give medical advice and promote vaxx? Very concerning... very unfortunate behaviour.

Retired local physicians Elizabeth Massarelli and Ross Thomas received their first shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine at the Guardian Corner Drug Store -- Photo Credit: Charles Beaver - Pharmacist at Guardian Corner Drug Store Sackville N.B.
Screenshot from...
June 6, 2020 Indie Media Eastcoast video at this link:

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