Jan 6, 2021

Return of Black Duck Cafe on Bridge Street? CHMA 106.9fm report from Erica Butler

 I've watched this terrific local business flourish, struggle, and overcome a lot in the years I have lived here... I may not be well liked in Sackville but I have always paid attention to the true entrepreneurs and their plight in this town filled with grant writers and moochers and nannystatists who believe their entitlements and demands for free money are reasonable.. they are not.  Hard workers who are self-employed are the important, valuable part of our society and not those dwelling in academia's ivory towers collecting big paycheques as members of the chattering class who promote oppressive policies and outright stupidity.  I see them clearly.. why don't others?  The chattering class do a lot of damage... they must be shamed.  Who are they locally?

People like the professor who is married to the Town Hall minion threatening townsfolk with fines.

What do these people know about struggling to survive and make money?  Nothing.

"Patricia Kelly Spurles That’s wonderful news. I’m so happy that you made it through! We finished off the last of the bacon a few weeks ago."

Propagandist and vaccine whore at CHMA 106.9fm [based in the Mount Allison University campus] Erica Butler is ironically a former server at the Black Duck Cafe... this links to her report:


Supporting local businesses is difficult when the government is so busy trying to destroy them.

Why are Sackville residents allowing fascists in our abusive government, fake news media, and health dept. stasi to interfere so much with businesses and individuals happiness, liberty and freedoms?


Answer:  because they are blindly going along with a hoax that harms us all..

God bless the entrepreneurs.. you have a tough road ahead of you in 2021 if you do not stand up and speak the truth.... Al Barbour - I don't want a poison vaccine and I don't want to wear a mask when I decide to come in to your cafe for a hot chocolate.

Be strong. Be brave. Be true. Be real. #boycott CBC #support indie media

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