Feb 26, 2021

Brave New World vs Nineteen Eighty-Four featuring Adam Gopnik and Will Self

Reading books is preferable to today's social justice bullshitfests..... just sayin.... so which one is your favourite -- 1984 or Brave New World?  Freedom is a state of mind.

One more thing to address: racial justice/ social justice is a dominating culture on campus at the local university -- addressed @ SAFS.ca:

"Choosing candidates for academic positions on the basis of racial, ethnic, cultural or other group identity is a violation of the merit principle, the principle that academic decisions should be made on academic grounds only. By restricting applications on the basis of non-academic characteristics, Mount Allison cannot but pass over many promising scholars for no reason related to their academic merits. Declining to consider a significant proportion of qualified candidates is not a sound way to build an excellent faculty. As well, because restricting applicants on non-academic grounds is wrongfully discriminatory, doing so cannot serve to create a fair and equitable university" - 

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