Jan 25, 2022

Bill Maloney Interviewed by Sky News about abuse at Shirley Oaks Children's Home & IICSA Inquiry.

Documentary filmmaker and survivor of institutional abuse in the UK Bill Maloney ...

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Bill Maloney interviewed by Alex Rossi of Sky News on the day that the UK Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) published its damning report of Lambeth Council's historic and brutal abuse of children in their care. The inquiry looked at five children's homes: Shirley Oaks, Angell Road, South Vale Assessment Centre, Ivy House and Monkton Street. Bill Maloney was at Shirley Oaks with his six siblings, all of whom were abused physically, psychologically and sexually whilst in their care. He has fought tirelessly for more than 12 years to expose institutional child abuse through the medium of independent film. He praises all those who have contributed towards this exposure whether through Rallies, Movements, Individual child abuse support charities and the general public who have supported efforts to get the truth out for all victims and survivors. Shirley Oaks had almost 2000 children in its care and in harms way. Over the years certain individuals have put themselves above the precipice to expose the atrocities, namely Bulic Forsythe (A member of Lambeth Social Services who many believe was murdered in 1993 as he was going to expose the abuse of women and children in the Borough), Alex Wheatle (A child in care at Shirley Oaks and now a fiction prize winner who has also raised awareness to the horrors whilst in care) and Shirley Oaks Survivors Association SOSA the support group for survivors and catalysts for the Redress Scheme. Over the years pienmashfilms have been approached, helped and then (in many cases) almost sabotaged by individuals and groups who presented themselves as supporters and soldiers of the truth who have, for whatever reasons, tried their utmost to silence Bill Maloney. He has been called an actor, a liar, a shill (amongst other things) but this has not swayed him from continuing his fight for the ultimate truth to be exposed about institutional child abuse in the UK care system. It is a sad fact that many of those who have tried to silence him have been either trying to use the platform of child abuse to raise their own profiles, have 'sadly' psychological or mental issues, or who are simply evil. Over the years Bill Maloney has interviewed many victims and survivors, some who have transpired to be fantasists who would mix fact and fiction. Hundreds of hours of film footage of various individuals such as these were never released by pienmashfilms but others who were involved in production have been privy to footage and some have even published footage that they had no permission for. This has lead to a barrage of abuse hurled back at Bill Maloney and his treasured and very valued supporters. We would like to thank Alex Rossi and the Sky News team who were professional, sympathetic and understanding of the intricacies of the issues. FINALLY, WE MUST EMPHASISE THAT PEODOPHILES AND THEIR PROTECTORS CONTINUE TO PERSISTENTLY ATTACK THOSE WHO EXPOSE THE SAD TRUTH ABOUT CHILD ABUSE. THEREFORE COMMENTS BELOW WILL BE PERIODICALLY REMOVED FROM THESE INDIVIDUALS. 'God bless all victims and survivors'. Bill Maloney

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