Jan 22, 2022

Is the COVID hysteria justified in our Tantramarshire? Nope.


Its impossible to reason with unreasonable and angry, ill-informed people.. online or in real life...

looking at the statistics the 'flu' kills people every year and always has... recovery rate is very high if diagnosed with the 'rona ... I will continue to remain skeptical of all the hype and the extreme measures and abuses that have been enacted due to this govt-proclaimed pandemic... and people have lost their livelihoods and their freedoms.

.. people will panic and spread fear here and this 'culture of outrage' is amplified by social media.

Meanwhile in China's technocracy:  robotics, AI, nasal swabs and 'healthcare medicine'... video at this link:

Nasal Swab Robotics - China Technocracy AI (bitchute.com)

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