Jan 24, 2022

The Hidden Story of Trudeau’s Sale Of Canadian Gold Reserves To China [ Easton Spectator ]

Article at this link:

 The Hidden Story of Trudeau’s Sale Of Canadian Gold Reserves To China - Easton Spectator

The former director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service(CSIS) has calling on the Liberal government to scrutinize the recent takeover of a Nunavut[Canadian] goldmine by a Chinese state-owned company.”

by Brad Salzberg

Western News Watch

January 21, 2022

TMAC is among an increasing number of Canadian companies being bought up by state-owned Chinese corporations. In March 2020, the Trudeau government permitted Continental Gold to be purchased by China’s state-controlled Zijin Mining for $1.3 billion dollars.

 Richard Fadden, head of CSIS from 2009-2013, told the Globe and Mail that the federal government should “keep Canada’s national security  interests in mind when examining the purchase.”

 “I think gold is pretty important for the world economy. China has enough of a grip on the world economy as it is, given its capital assets, so I would include gold.

 Justin Trudeau doesn’t agree.  Away from general public knowledge, our prime minister approved a sell-off of all Canadian gold reserves. Nearly all of it was purchased by China. In return, establishment media barely blinked an eye.

 According to Fadden, “the intelligence community has been increasingly worried regarding China’s investments in Canadian companies which skirt regulation.”

Yes—important to CSIS, yet irrelevant to  the prime minister of Canada.

Street art photography by Indie Media Eastcoast Canada - found in Sackville back lane way ... 

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