Dec 31, 2022

Who Provides Housing Solutions? See "Oasis" from Maple Leaf Homes or Cob Mud Home Builders #Tantramarshire #GrowRuralCanada

Many examples do exist for affordable new housing... 
lots of solutions.. but 
they do not involve meddling groups...

Many smaller and larger homes from New Brunswick's very own Maple Leaf Homes:

Home Plans | Maple Leaf Homes

Housing People Matters.. but its not the job of government to house people... that is a mistake... government could assist in the creation of homes by lowering taxation of homeowners and in particular those who own second and third homes for income purposes, lowering permitting times and accelerating applications by builders/ contractors... we need more housing, not more people complaining about housing shortages... and we need a culture that promotes the trades and encourages young people to go into the construction industry .. its just that simple...

politicians [including Andrew Black] don't build homes; they're merely parasites who talk and do other silly things for a living...

the true heroes in our society are people who are in the trades -- and of course they are never celebrated enough...

see more on the "Oasis" home at this link:

Oasis | Contemporary Home Plan | Maple Leaf Homes

Maple Leaf Homes Inc | LinkedIn

"53’ x 32’ bungalow with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The Oasis is a private getaway you get to come home to everyday. This wraparound design is perfect for a private outdoor cozy space accessible from your primary bedroom, common space and entry. The modern open concept common area combines the living room, kitchen and dining room and offers modern cabinetry, large pantries, an island and heated bench seating. The primary bedroom features a double closet with sliding doors and an ensuite with linen storage. A full bathroom and laundry closet provides separation between the two bedrooms"

And land is very affordable in Tantramarshire...

For sale: Lot Queens RD, Sackville, New Brunswick E4L2B6 - M131970 |

For sale: Lot 02-2 Harris DR, Sackville, New Brunswick E4L3X6 - M147349 |

Do not ask the government to solve housing problems and scarcity.... you won't like their suggested solutions... trust me.

People who are 'community' builders and wealthy with multiple homes are the last people you should listen to for guidance and definitely not trustworthy if they are social engineering the public, as this critter does:

"Margaret Tusz-King shared a link.


I wonder how long it will be before a community in New Brunswick calls for a 'state of emergency' on housing."

These people are not working for liberty but for nannystatism... be warned there are no solutions to be found at their Facebook page - this is a place where they are plotting and scheming their planned economy, planned housing, planned 'community' - be aware of their agenda, here:

Tantramar Affordable Housing Initiative (

Or perhaps you are the hands-on type?




Wrath Of Gnon on Twitter: "“Cob walls for garden fruit are incomparable. They retain the warmth of the sun and give it out through the night, and when protected on top by slates, tiles, or thatch, will last for centuries.” — A Book of The West, Sabine Baring-Gould, 1899" / Twitter

See more housing ideas at the video found here:

Anti Communitarian Mums for Liberty NOT U.N. Agenda 2030 #Tantramarshire (

Do you see this problematic global control Agenda from the United Nations yet? They created and encouraged a manufactured scarcity of homes with their Agenda 2030 SMARTgrowth plans - plans such as this are anti-humanity and vile...

Oppose their plans....

More here at this Alison McDowell video link here from 2021:

 "Smart Cities", the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning" (Best Quality) - YouTube

For anyone happily participating online with these Facebook discussions but living in their own comfy roomy single family homes PLEASE please please STOP advocating for how other people should live... in other words: do not be a hypocrite online for the public to see.... Natalie Donaher had recently run for Town Councillor of the Town of Tantramar... 
she does not live in a tiny home.. but she is a meddling social engineer who enjoys a life on an acreage property with privacy and room to move... 
as we all should... 
never promote a home lifestyle for others that you yourself would not be willing to live in. 
No one, especially an affluent, financially comfortable 'lab rat' employed by Mount Allison University, should be suggesting that others will be helped to live in what amounts to a shed on wheels... that's just cruel, its unkind.. and UNNECESSARY
and if this is your idea of 'sustainability' perhaps you should find a new hobby... Mind your own business... and..
tend to your own housing, only...

Natalie writes on Facebook at "Tantramar Community Concerns":

"Natalie Donaher

Hi all, as my workload at the day job winds down for the holiday season I was hoping to start on two documents listed below. I'm a recent member so if anyone can tag me on relevant posts I may have missed or (importantly) if this is repetition of work already being done, I would love to know. This is my inaugural post about a subject I've been intrigued about for years - if you'd like to contribute to my info gathering, please send me a message.
Document 1: an updated summary of tiny house building codes being adopted elsewhere. Doc would include information about how by-laws work now & how they could work in the future to create higher density, small footprint single family homes on lots meant for one home (as policies currently stand). Has someone already made this summary? It is my priority.
Document 2: Priority #2 is creating or adapting a business plan template meant for "investors", to coordinate purchase of land and implementation of a higher density/small footprint group of single family homes for Tantramar region. Whether for their use under a co-op model or some other model. This involves scouring the web for best practices in these sorts of communities that already exist (THOW as an RV park/Pocket Neighbourhoods/The Village Model/Cohousing), but can't be completed until Doc 1 is in hand. However it's way more fun to research so I'm building my links library and taking notes now.
I don't love FB as a collaboration tool. If this sounds like something you'd like to help with, please drop an email in a private message and I'll reach out that way (possibly via a purpose built collab platform if enough folks send me their contact details). [Photo from blog]"

... when liberty is replaced with authoritarian agenda it never ends well.  I've been advocating at Tantramar Landowners Association since 2015 and removed from Facebook for my troubles... they censor me so much because I question their propaganda campaign of bullshit in this region. #AntiCommunitarianMums

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