Sep 13, 2023

Non-Profit Sewing Club Grifters Help Themselves To $3,000 from Town of Tantramar


Tourism Manager [on the right above] Ron Kelly Spurles and his grabbler professor wife Patty and her friends [Julia Feltham et al] got approved by the minions at a town hall meeting last night for $3,000 - free money for a sewing club "non profit".  This is nothing but corruption, again, in the local political arena by the clique-y in-crowd Ronnie and his wife Patty who are wealthy, very well paid and don't need $3,000 but they TOOK it because they know how to milk the system with no f*cks given.  To answer the questions of a few councillors "yes this does set a grifter precedent" for the people who want to mooch in the future.. but it won't be applicable to everyone, just those special club members.. what club?  Ssshhh.. its a secret.

Thanks Bruce Phinney Town Councillor for voting against this obviously criminal grift initiated by unethical moochers.  These grabblers need their hands slapped for continually reaching into the town piggybank.  Maybe rich people should start funding their own pet projects?  Town Hall staffers are lazy people who can't be bothered to address the overdue concrete skatepark project for the youth because their heads are too deeply up their own arses.  

"Community is a dictatorship"  Niki Raapana, 1956-2022.

Skatepark project advocacy continues here:

Matt Pryde is clearly amused by his demanding job which involves re-directing a parade due to an undisclosed protestor group's event planned in town - only in clown world Matt - you're such a weak and ineffectual chump.  Any guesses who these "protestors" are that are allowed to take over the park downtown--whoever they are I'm fed up with the herd mentality and mobs doing unproductive "public protests" --they really need to find a new hobby and get a life... their time should be more precious to them than standing around with signs.

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