Oct 31, 2023

Goofball of the Month Award Goes To..... Jon Eppell, a Merchant of Fear

Sackville may soon join the list of 62 communities in Canada who are having their wastewater tested regularly to spot trends in COVID-19. At Tantramar council committee of the whole on Monday, town engineer Jon Eppell told council about a recent offer from NB Public Health to participate in the growing surveillance program.

“This is a COVID-19 initiative that several communities across New Brunswick have been invited to participate in,” said Eppell. “We think this is a really good thing, and that after a couple of months of data collection, Sackville would appear as one of the communities on the national COVID-19 dashboard.” ....

The estimated cost for the auto-sampler is about $18,500, and would be fully funded by the provincial program. Eppell says there will be small costs for the municipality to absorb in order to collect samples. “We’re estimating that it might be as much as $75 a month,” Eppell told council.

Council is expected to approve participation in the program at its meeting on November 15."

at this article link:

Wastewater COVID-19 tracking could come to Sackville in 2024 » CHMA 106.9 FM (chmafm.com)

Catch all the excitement at this link on Youtube:


Eppell's local 'wingman' Harold Jarche says:

“The U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development’s 3,000 cubic ft. bioaerosol chamber testing results show that the CR box removes 97% of infectious aerosols in just 30 minutes, and 99.4% within 60 minutes. Importantly, the device successfully captures a surrogate virus for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.”— 2023-10-30" [some recent warktimes.com commentary]

Happy Halloween to all the bald goobers like Jon and Harold... your ongoing efforts to scare the shit out the young, old, vulnerable and gullible have not gone unnoticed!

As for this commentary below found as well at warktimes.com I would suggest that "Renaissance Sackville" be defunded altogether and why it was ever created in the first place should be questioned.  Harold Jarche indicated their RS group would have nothing to do with getting a new concrete skatepark built -- not their "thing" said Jarche years ago.. thanks for nothing old boomer dude... I don't know who died and made you so entitled to any cash in this town--your arrogance is laughable.

I see that even the new town council continues to micro-manage Renaissance Sackville, as it did for the seven years that I was chair, and has kept their budget at the reduced size of $25K. It was $50K for many years. Once again, town council is too focused on bike-shedding"

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