Nov 1, 2023

Special Council Meeting - November 1, 2023 - Town of Tantramar

Millions and millions for ponds, ditches, etc...
but ZERO $$ for the 10 year overdue concrete skatepark project... why? They have lots of money but they are hoarding that money.. the taxpayers' money.   Beale and Inch are getting wealthy from the landscaping work but more importantly scammers for WAWA "Wetland compensation" are a racket of extortion and criminal money grabbing by envirocrats.  These politicians and town hall minions must think the general public are stupid, ignorant, and lazy.. but some of us are paying close attention to this project work and expenditures.  

Slides below are just some of the ones that were presented by Jon Eppell town engineer and Michael Beal top bean counter.. both are employed full time by the Town of Tantramar.
I have discussed the skatepark project with Michael Beal - he is aware this is a project that was requested by the local youth group in 2013.

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