Mar 28, 2024

Special Council Meeting - March 23, 2022 - Town of Tantramar - Mayor Andrew Black

Mayor of Andrew Black is able to supplement his paydays as Mayor [less than $50K per year] with a side job working at the local Open Sky Co-Operative farm which is a registered charity.

More here:

"Open Sky Co-operative has over 12 years of experience supporting young adults experiencing barriers due to autism, learning disabilities, and mental health challenges. We offer a unique program building social and practical skills through the daily and seasonal rhythms of farm life and community connections. 

Open Sky is a beautiful, welcoming place to be. On an 11-acre farm in newly formed municipality of Tantramar (Sackville) NB, we have a farmhouse, barn, "maker space", greenhouses and many acres of lawns, gardens and pasture. Day programs, training and activities are provided for adults who live locally to improve their skills and well-being, as well as learn and do organic farming and gardening. We have helped participants launch co-operatives and businesses, that provide employment for people who face barriers. There are also rooms in the farmhouse that can provide a transitional residence for those ready to try independent living.   

An exciting development is the addition of retail greenhouse in 2023,  growing and selling bedding plants and providing new training and employment opportunities for neurodivergent individuals locally.

Everyone can benefit from living and working in a healthy environment, with gentle relationships and within an understanding and supportive community. Extra skilled support is invaluable, especially for those already disempowered by challenging life experiences.

Open Sky has expertise for adults with autism spectrum disorder, providing unique and effective skills programming, tailored to meet needs identified by a functional skills assessment. Open Sky is the only such service provider in the Maritimes.

The activities of Open Sky Co-operative are guided by the following charitable objects:

  1. To establish, operate and maintain a residential, educational and therapeutic facility for persons with social, developmental or mental health challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders or Asperger Syndrome.
  2. To provide life-skills development programmes, vocational training, mentorship, and recreational and social activities to persons with social, developmental or mental health challenges.
  3. To educate and increase the understanding of the public about the causes and effects of, and treatments for, social, developmental or mental health challenges, on the barriers that prevent the participation of persons with disabilities in their community life and on the support services available to persons suffering from such disabilities.
  4. To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the above-mentioned charitable purposes."

I would be interested to learn how much money the charity Open Sky Co-Op is able to collect each year by way of donations and grants... its fair to ask as the Town of Tantramar donates to the charity which identifies as a "social enterprise" in the thousands of dollars range they've called "grants".. but given as a gift through "Renaissance Sackville" which is being funded by the Town of Tantramar..

More here:
its all very interesting.. 
but is there a conflict of interest with Mayor Black and his job at Open Sky Co-Op?  No one is saying.. yet.  Perhaps an audit is in order in 2024? 
More here:

Lots of people support "social enterprise" as a kind of anti-capitalism stance.. they'd like to see more money donated to these type of organizations that they feel help people to have better lives.. its called "coddling" and mooching.  Some people are very good at grifting free money in Tantramar... its quite a hub for this sort of activity.

There is no shortage of moochers in this town... they also use the label "non profits" to help themselves to free money.. really rather remarkable.

You get to the point where you realize everyone is pretty much on the government gravy train grift.. then what happens?  A culture of complete corruption.  Years ago the MLA for Tantramar Mike Olscamp remarked in an interview "Sackville is a government town".. and it is even more so today.  The "hustle" and work ethic has been replaced with the "grift" and entitlement attitude. 

The gravy train of course would include the university - more here:

More here:

"Trudeau government increased federal employees 40% since election in 2015

Spending on the public service has also grown since the 2019-20 fiscal year, increasing by 32-per-cent"

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