Jul 24, 2024

Morgan May's 15 Minutes of Fame - New Brunswick Grifter Goes on National Tour - Who Funds Diagolontards?


You might be surprised to know who funds
Morgan Mayhem aka Morgan Guptill aka
self proclaimed "Queen of Diagolon"...
the goat mascot was the give away.

The deal these Diagolontards struck?
Don't mention King John III .. 
Joseph Gregory Hallett.. 
your vacation and more will be paid
for if you just keep quiet and let the 
performance theatre and money grabbing
with "thegrift.shop" continue.. you'll be just fine..
until you're not fine... that's usually how it goes.

Jeremy MacKenzie is Morgan's business
partner and along with Derek Rants aka "Plaid Army" Derek Harrison
and Alex aka The Ferryman's Toll they've got 
a very lucrative arrangement in place..
and its called distraction media.

The good news is there are still a lot 
of very decent people in New Brunswick...
and that's comforting to know.

Keep Calm...
and... tell your friends...

Dream big and have no fear..
stay peaceful..  be real.

Try to think of what I do as busting fraudsters.

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