Jul 20, 2024

Tantramar-Strait Shores Community Task Force?


What is this local Facebook "community" entity? 

Pat Estabrooks and Margaret Tusz-King are the co-chairs

"Tantramar-Strait Shores Community Task Force"

"The Tantramar Strait Shores Community Task Force is the second group to come before council asking for support in securing federal and provincial funding for infrastructure development related to housing. In May of this year, the Freshwinds Eco-Village Housing Cooperative presented to council asking them to consider pursuing funding oppportunities"


How Sussex got $3.2 million in federal funding to support housing growth » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (chmafm.com)

Homeowner Margaret Tusz-King [former town councillor and failed provincial Green MLA candidate] is married to Eric Tusz-King who heads up "Freshwinds Eco-Village Housing Cooperative" with Sabine Dietz [former town councillor, green party activist, and failed candidate for Mayor].

Pat Estabrooks was a two term mayor and owns private property in town.  Why do these people want to house people here in kibbutz-type "co-op" homes? Why are these voices being promoted so much when they ask for money from the government to create housing projects that interfere with the normal development of private property housing [single family houses, townhouses, duplexes, small apartment buildings or other types of builds].  This undermines property rights and it normalizes people living in government co-funded co-ops where they are micromanaged in their lifestyles? Do we really need these meddlers in the town's development and its available housing stock? Isn't it up to the free market to determine what should be built here? If housing demands are so high everywhere and availability is so low everywhere why isn't there a construction boom taking place? Are the housing problems related to other factors such as prohibitive costs associated with construction [ fees, permitting, permissions ] imposed by government coupled with a very large newcomer population [record breaking] who are invited to live here when there is not sufficient housing for the them or the people already living here.  Perhaps the best way to help people is to improve the process to build and to incentivize private home builders and also dial down on the current mass immigration?

The idea that a local "taskforce" [previously set up to help with a coviet fraud] still exists is laughable.

Collectivists don't seem to understand economics and they certainly don't mind government overreach into people lives-- they proved that during the 2020-2023 scamdemic.. perhaps its time they found a new hobby in 2024.

Its complicated but these ideologically driven and very political people have an agenda and its this: rebuild society according to their values.. which may not match your values.  You cannot trust people who created the problems in the first place with their governance strategies of "Sustainable Sackville" plans and unnecessary actions that do more to damage to a once thriving local economy and suppress growth.  Their overall actions are the cause of the problems you see today.. their insistence on a "Climate Action Plan", redrawing flood maps, constantly shrieking about the climate, telling others how to live, incentivizing certain people, funding NGOs [non-governmental organizations] to socially engineer the thoughts of the local population, all are factors that have created a climate of lower economic activity and limited the normal construction of housing t meet demand by our local private builders.. the ideologues have made it impossible to do business in a town that has made its only focus on one issue:  the climate.

Do not give these people any powers over your town's future direction-- they have proven themselves to be incapable of leadership and unable to promote good, positive ideas here.  Their days of dominating the narrative are now over.  Live long and prosper - and for God's sake stop joining clusterfucks.

Ideologues have no solutions.
They are usually very good grifters though.. its a skill.

Like that time that Eric and his friends get a $20,000 big cheque..

some people are just soooo special that they get money thrown at them.. for all their countless efforts and their troubles.

The local Tusz-King duo are master grabblers.

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