Jul 14, 2024

Water : Abundance Denied - CHMA FM 106.9 Mount Allison University Neglects Primary Water Story.. Why?

“Water quality monitoring is very important, province-wide,” says Cormier. “Without it, we don’t know what’s happening in our local streams and rivers.”

The end of an era for the ETF

Monitoring of watersheds in the province of New Brunswick is largely carried out by groups like EOS Eco Energy, with funding from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund (ETF). This year, the ETF funded at least 24 projects from local groups performing local level water monitoring. And every year, groups must apply for project grants, competing for funds to continue their annual monitoring work. It is a time-consuming and uncertain process.

And now there’s increased uncertainty, because the revenue source for the ETF is gone. This year, the province radically changed its beverage container program to give consumers their full deposit back when they return refundable containers. Before April 1, part of that deposit went to the ETF, which is how it grew to have an accumulated surplus of almost $41 million in 2022, according to a critical auditor general’s report that year. But ever since April 1, not a single penny has gone to replenish the fund, which this year dispersed about $9 million to 195 projects in the province."


Water quality monitoring in New Brunswick faces an uncertain funding future » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (chmafm.com)

More here:  primarywater.org

To be fair to the readers I have no doubt that Erica Butler was hired for her stenographer skills and following only the stories she is allowed to follow.. having said that if she is a "journalist" perhaps it is time for her to find the courage to do her job well.
2024 is about truths being revealed.. exposed..

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