Aug 14, 2024

What's Happening This Week In Tantramarshire? Conversations, Persuasion, Social Engineering, Climateering..


"The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system and therefore long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible", IPCC 2001 .. the IPCC web pages where this statement was recorded were purged in November 2018. It was recorded prior to this many times on the way machine. "

-- Patrick Moore,

There are a lot of factors / climate drivers to consider when discussing climate science.... I'm sorry for all the children like Greta Thunberg, and local Quinn, who have been used and abused by a dumbing down agenda they have had no chance to learn or be scientific.. its abusive what has been done to our young and I for one reject the climate fear and the climate hysteria. #opt out peacefully #carbon tax is theft #stop agenda 2030

More here:

Climate: The Movie - The Cold Truth (

In the post-coviet era here they have switched back to the climate fear mongering  ... its all they know.

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