Jan 15, 2017

Mark Steyn, Munk Debates, Canada

"Those of us on the stage, and many of the more distinguished persons in the auditorium tonight lead privileged lives ... we will never have to live in Molenbeek, Rosengard, Bradford or Toulouse - we get to go to the nice places. 

And that should occasion in us a certain modesty when we come up with grand utopian schemes which testify to what Simon called our 'naiively optimistic humanism'. Because down there in Molenbeek and Rosengard they have to live with the consequences of our naiively optimistic humanism. We are striking attitudes...

The political class is designing a solution to the great migrations of the world that will only end in tragedy. The more failed states that stay failed, the more failed states there will be. Ultimately, it is better for Syrians to be able to live in Syria, for Afghans to be able to live in Afghanistan...

The French gave the Americans a fabulous Statue of Liberty, and the Americans nailed a third rate poem to it and turned it into a celebration of mass migration. Liberty and mass migration have nothing to do with each other, and often the latter can imperil the former...

We cannot fix failed states by inviting millions of their people to move in with us. All that ensures is more failed states ... and eventually, one by one, the nations of the West will join them - and then you'll really be yearning to breathe free and there'll be nowhere to do it."

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