Mar 4, 2018

CBC Ottawa, Lauren Hicks speaks with Michael Thurlow on his political party NSCLRP

  1. 1. Why was the NSCLRP created and with what mandate?
  2. The NSCLRP was created in response to what we view as Anti-Canadian legislation and as a true forum for opposition towards and against the current economic and sociopolitical climate.  Our mandate is simple, We demand that Canadians come first and only in Canada.  We demand the Workers of this Nation be empowered to work, our industries are drying up, our production plants are owned by foreign companies, there are very few domestically produced goods.  Almost 100% of the auto-plants in Ontario produce parts for Japanese and American cars, our crude oil is sold at a net loss to be refined in Texas and bought back at, again, a net loss.  These economic policies cannot sustain the Nation long term and that is to speak none of the social/political mandates of the alternative-left which affect all spheres of society from skid-row to the upper echelons of Academia and Government, by and large the Canadian people, Euro-Candians, have been subjected to and exposed to media materials and entire courses of study designed to sever their emotional and spiritual ties to their own history.  Canadians are becoming more and more bereft of a National Identity as the months turn into years in Trudeau's “First Post-National Utopia”
  3. Our mandate is simple, clear and to the point.  Government and trade must represent the interests of Canadians first and only.
  4. 2. What is the group's views on immigration? Do they differ from your own?
  5. The NSCLRP views immigration as an unnecessary charity to the 3rd world in 99.9% of cases. There are 4.3 million unemployed Canadians today,  many of them, the majority of them, are Euro-Canadians  who may very well be able to trace their lineage back to the founders of this Country.  We are importing tens of thousands of 3rd world workers to fill positions which do not exist in industries which do not even serve the interests of our own people.  The NSCLRP views this as a form of catastrophic virtue signalling from some, and incredibly misguided economics from others.  Most of the liberal government does not understand the Work Force because they have never done a mote of real work, they have no conception of the struggles of the average working or middle class Canadian.  
  6. We are against immigration entirely,  we would prefer to see the borders closed completely to residents and immigrants.  There is no issue with vacationers,  but there needs to be a real halt to the number of foreign workers and foreign people allowed into the country to live.  We would prefer to see a limited number of work vouchers. Perhaps a thousand or so per year, which would allow fully vetted and skilled labourers into the Nation on a temporary basis to work and return to their Nation with new skills and resources to assist in raising the standards of their own home Nation,  this would be far more beneficial than simply importing their problems into our country.
  7. I created the Party doctrine from the first letter to the last.  The Party doctrine is my doctrine.  There are some members who may privately disagree but that is a reflection on them and that is their prerogative, not the Party's prerogative and their personal beliefs do not enter into the Party's operation,  if they cannot separate their personal beliefs from the message of The Party they are either barred or relegated to tasks where their personal beliefs will not negatively impact the Party or it's reputation.
  8. 3. What threat does immigration pose to Canada?
  9. The threats are innumerable, I could write a book on the subject (and in-fact, I am),  
  10. First;  According to PEW global research and the UN,  if the current immigration trend persists, and the Euro-Canadian birthrate remained depressed,  by 2049, our major cities will no longer be of a Canadian majority,  and by 2100, Canada will be between 15-25% Euro-Canadian.  The values, traditions, morals, laws and systems which have governed our Nation for the last 400 years will disappear, completely.  The identity of the Nation, the deeply rooted link between blood and soil will be broken.  This is a big problem and it requires a lot of assumptions to rationalize, namely the assumption that Immigrants will treat Canada with the dignity and respect that Canadians have for these centuries, it is an assumption made in good faith that the Fraser will not resemble the Ganges by 2100,  it is an assumption made in good faith that Toronto or Vancouver will not resemble Hong-Kong by 2100,  and maybe they won't.  Maybe immigrants will respect our country despite the fact that they have shown nothing but contempt for their own Nation's environment and geography, but I am not willing to take that risk,  I'm not willing to gamble my Great-Grandchildren's future and the world that they will inherit on assumptions made in good faith.
  11. I know of one way to have the absolute best guarantee that our natural resources will be respected as they have been for 400 years, and that is to keep Canadians, who do respect our lands, in power and in the dominant position in society.
  12. The Canadian People created everything which Canada is, to introduce cultures and races to the Nation which do not, and cannot, reflect our standards and values is morally reprehensible, it not only damages Euro-Canadians spiritually, economically and mentally,  but it also puts immigrants into a position to adapt to an environment which is incongruent with their own biological and genetic nature.  The NSCLRP believes that all civilization, all society, all art, culture, music, food, taste, sensibility, etc is at it's roots the result of genetic expression.   Civilization and Society are the collective works of the Group's biological and genetic expression.  We built buildings which pleased our eyes, we painted paintings, made songs, created food, created systems of government and laws which were pleasing to us, we created a society which felt natural to us;  it's human nature to strive towards the path of least resistance and our societies, when they evolve and adapt organically, are an example of this very fundamental principle of life.
  13.     4.Can you explain why the NSCLRP chose to place posters around the University of New    Brunswick's campus?
  14. Specifically why now?
  15. Why did you chose to focus on Indigenous peoples (geographically important issue, etc.)?
  16. The answer to this question is quite simple,  on university campuses, and specifically on the University of New Brunswick campus there are very loud voices calling for “Decolonization” there have been many speakers who have talked about “Decolonization”  and one speaker in particular defined it, in her own words; "decolonization brings about a repatriation of indeigenous land and life."
  17. The NSCLRP did not broach the subject of the aboriginal/indigenous population, but we responded to various Anti-Canadian, Anti-European, Anti-”White” posters and presentations.
  18. 5. Why do you think white nationalist groups are increasingly prevalent in Canada?
  19. Before I answer this question, I would like to make it very clear that the NSCLRP is not a “White Nationalist” or “White Supremacist” Party.   We have nothing but contempt for “White Nationalism”  Whenever we are forced to speak on the subject we always embed “white” in quotations.  We do not subscribe to a single “White” race and we will not even discuss the subject in the vocabulary of the status quo.  
  20. If you want my honest answer on this, it will not ingratiate any support for the NSCLRP as there are a great number of self-avowed “White Nationalists” who do exist in Canada, I will tell you... I believe very strongly that “White Nationalism” is an artificially created buffer between ordinary people and National Socialism.  There are a lot of very politically aware people out there, perhaps hundreds of thousands or more, but as long as there is a very angry outlet which gives legitimacy to their feelings on Race they will never advance past those feelings, they will never see it as a matter of The Nation,  they are so wrapped up in Race and only Race.
  21.  “White Nationalism” and the “Alt-Right” today are what the KKK and Skinhead gangs were in the 1960s and 1980s,  they have no real doctrine, they have no real direction,  they are angry people.
  22. In the 1950s,  in the USA there was a man by the name of George Lincoln Rockwell who founded the American Nazi Party who created a plan that was so effective at dealing with the Blacks that Malcolm X and the Black Nationalists agreed with it, it was mutually beneficial.  Contrast this with Richard Spencer and the “alt-right” or “White Nationalism” who have no plans, who have no policy and offer nothing but distractions.
  23. White Nationalism isn't a threat to the current political master class, it's a joke and most people don't want to be compared to them for any number of reasons, and if you don't mind me being incredibly blunt here, it's News-Media itself which is spurring on the proliferation of “White Nationalism” by referring to everyone and everything which is politically incorrect as “White Nationalism”.  People are fed up with PC authoritarianism, they want a change, and the mainstream media is giving them the exact words and phrases to google and the buffer grows larger and larger between ordinary people and National Socialism,  people read Don Black and Jared Taylor,  they no longer read Mosley, Evola, Mussolini or Mein Kampf.
  24. I view it as really quite insidious.  The Mainstream Media is hand feeding politically disaffected “whites” the exact material which allows them to feel as though they're doing something proactive but the reality is they are working against their own interests by choosing some loose knit, platform-less, pointless complete-exercise-in-futility ideology over a fully developed, fully fleshed out, proven method for affecting the political and social change they desire to see.
  25. 6. What makes Canadian white nationalist groups different than others, such as groups in America and Europe?
  26. I would say that that depends on which group you're talking about.  From the NSCLRP's perspective I can tell you that the Americans have long since bred away their European intelligence.  They are clueless.  They want a revolution but they also want to keep their constitution. They have no plan.  
  27. I object to labelling any European group or party as “White Nationalist”  Europe is a “white” continent.  Their Nationalism is just that.  National.  Their Nations are “White” already,  their laws, their systems, their government and their cultures are “White”  Europe, and Canada's Nationalism is to protect what already exists.
  28. The NSCLRP has many members, many of whom left “White Nationalism” and “White Nationalist” groups and I have heard from many of them, I cannot tell you how many times I've heard “The NSCLRP is not like any other group”
  29. So I apologize for my lack of any further insight into other groups, I choose not to waste my time speculating on the motivations of idiots and untermenschen.
  30. 7. From your experience, what are some common misconceptions about nationalist groups?
  31. There are a few which have been really getting under my craw lately.  
  32. Firstly;  the suggestion that any Nationalist is an advocate for Genocide is an absurd statement which many have made.  I cannot speak for everyone as there are lunatics in every crowd, but as far as the NSCLRP is concerned and the New Canadian Unity Party which we are allied with, and every Nationalist I have spoken to personally, not one supports any action which could be deemed “Genocide”
  33. Second; the idea that White Nationalism and National Socialism are the same thing.  They're not.  There were Muslims, Jews, Italians, Slavs, Japanese, Sikhs and Africans in the “Nazi” Wehrmacht, we are all quite free of racial hatreds or bigotry,  we do not hate Blacks on the basis that they were born Black, we do not hate Arabs on the basis that they were born Arab, etc. ---
  34.    To give some exposition on this, man is an animal like any other animal, we can be bred better and better or worse and worse, we exist within the laws of Nature.  Natural Selection and evolution have created a beautifully diverse assortment of Human-Kind, we regard each of these races as a sub-species of the Homo- Genus.  Each race has particular strength and faults, each race produces beautiful and ugly people, geniuses and idiots, we're not out to hurt or attack or disparage any Race or any Man based on the circumstances of his birth, but just as a Canadian would have no business creating laws or rules in Chad or Nigeria, so too should Canada be ruled and governed by Canadians.  We believe Canadians derive from Europe, our forefathers were the English and the French, our society was created by those people in the manner which was most natural to them and therefore to us and we believe our people should be the dominant force in that society to maintain and advance the status of the Nation for the next generation just as the last generation did this for their children, us.  
  35. ---- White Nationalists do not feel this way, they hate or disparage anyone and discount any merit of a Race based solely on the skin colour.  National Socialists reject the notion that race is skin deep.
  36. “In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.” -- Adolf Hitler
  37. 8. Do you think the internet has helped or hindered the movement (globalization of the Nationalist rhetoric, facts being skewed through the internet, etc.)
  38. (Finally! A question I can answer simply and concisely!... I do apologize for all the reading I've put you through...)
  39. Absolutely.  Yes.  The internet has had a seriously negative impact.   The globalization of Nationalist rhetoric is completely antithetical to what Nationalism really is,  the importation of doctrine from the United States, for example,  does tremendous damage to the National Morale.  There are self-described Nationalists who publicly joke about the United States invading Canada and “liberating” us.  For all the good the internet has done as a tool to access free literature and free books it has done incalculable harm.
  40. Everyone can be a know-it-all, everyone wants to be the next Adolf Hitler or Oswald Mosley, everyone thinks they're correct.  No one wants to cede their ego and accept the authority of anyone else.  Adolf Hitler or even Jesus Christ himself could be reincarnated and not a single person would care or even notice,  they're all too busy shouting each other down and talking rather than reading and writing, and what's more, there are a near infinite number of avenues to brazen out one's own stupidity online, the nuclear option being to log out and pretend the debate/discussion never happened and you were never proven wrong.

article submitted by Michael Thurlow from his exchange with Ottawa CBC's Lauren Hicks.. perhaps Lauren will publish also? 

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Find out More On Michael Thurlow at his Twitter:
Founder and Leader of the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party. 
Aspiring Politician, Worker's Advocate, Principled, Unbreakable.
Ontario Canada

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