Jul 24, 2018

Race War Official Trailer #2: Jason Black, USA

Checking out the comments in the video trailer for "Race War" .. 
Kivon Salters 1 month ago "They only make up 6% of the world's population. I believe if all black and brown people United, we could kill their whole race. Peace as we know it will be back on earth. Once the devil loses control."

John Hicks 1 month ago "We are going to win. Im White and happy about this. We can peacefully seperate. We don't have to go through with this. But who has the actual rights to the land, tech, etc is the question. Im just glad lines are being drawn. Lets not be coy. And stop the moral posturing. Theres a reason "white flight" exists. We dont want your crime, self inflicted poverty and degradation, and third world problems. And cops killing unarmed Black men? Whites make up the majority of unarmed murders by cops. Those numbers are just disproportionate because Blacks resist arrest for petty offenses much more often. Its genetic but can be brought to heel by self control. You people dont know how to follow a social order. Which is why Africa is and has been in ruins forever. You always feel laws dont apply to you. The judge, jury, and executioner. Its a lower man who doesnt respect law , order , and duty. We honestly tried with your Race. We tried treating you as equals and even after mass concession and granting you access to White spaces you only proceed to point the finger at us when you ultimately fail in a society not your own at built at higher standards than you've shown capable of achieving in all Black nations. Even with some of you having slight Euro admixture. Anyways lets call a spade a spade. You dont like us, its beyond apparent, and we dont like you. Lets separate. We can give you some land proportional to your population but you will not have military hardware or access to our society. You can have whole pre-built cities and States though. How much you wanna bet it turns into a giant Detroit within 50 years? Or we can just kick your ass and forcibly remove you. And dont even try giving me the hard ass shit. The entire world knows the European skill in organized warfare is unsurpassed. And the harder we are pushed the better we become. "

Is the race war real? Who promotes it?

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