Sep 1, 2018

Etienne Gaudet - Memramcook / Tantramar MLA Candidate 2018

Dropped off a magnet I made with a Canada Action sticker...
I heart Canada .. supporting Canada Action.. with stickers etc.
Hopefully, a politician who will support and promote Canada's ethical oil and gas industries in New Brunswick Canada .. we need that.. we REALLY don't need more 'green' anti-fossil fuels propaganda and technocracy... [] in this town though the norm is to bash oil and gas and fossil fuels and say insane things like "we need to get off fossil fuels" or "we need to reduce are carbon footprint" .. its basically a crazy town of zombies... that's why I don't get involved in politics but prefer to point out the crazy when I see it...

Most politicians prefer to coast along and not advocate anything, its just easier...
For those politicians actively campaigning against our industries, knock it off.. find a real project of value to get involved with, create something, build something here.

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