Sep 12, 2018

Artivism, Activism, and the Cult of Divest

{ Tina Oh and Shannon Power }

*They won't debate.. they refuse to engage... they dislike any narrative that goes against their beliefs.. they operate on emotion not facts... they're 'divesters' ..

*Shit communitarians do .. is producing a lot of young protestor culture SJWs who are unable to think outside the box their professors have put them into.. advice:  " divest collectivism, use discernment" ... co2 is not a pollutant.. carbon tax is theft .. Canada is a carbon sink .... .. support our energy sectors at [ free stickers ]

As far as groups go this has to be one of the most millitant ones in town since I arrived here in 2010.
Also, if you do decide you want to oppose them you will be labelled "hyper conservative" and possibly "neo-nazi" .. who knew that standing up for oil and gas projects in Canada was the work of "nazis"? They've felt very smug in their group and have labelled me a "white supremacist" .. God knows why?

Lauren Latour has insisted that "no one wants to engage with me" .. if so, why?

Finally, since the cult leader is also rather well known it is best to engage her online as she is prone to hysterics, calling the police and sending the 'mob' after you for daring to oppose her rhetoric... debating is not a strong point with these youngsters.. they seem to have reached "peak misery" .. I wish them well... I put the blame upon their professor -- Bradley "Angry Man" Walters.. and others like him who have a hate for our industries that's unfathomable.. does the man drive a car or what? Radicalizing our youth into hysterical people who cannot debate facts is not good work Brad... eh?

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