Sep 7, 2018

Maxime Bernier for Canada.. Trudeau 2.0 works for the global village...

Maxime Bernier writes:

"So, Trudeau is preparing to waste more $billions to take his seat at the UN and please international elites. What I propose is a foreign policy that focuses on the security and prosperity of Canadians—not pleasing the dysfunctional United Nations and spending taxpayers $ abroad.
Every year, we spend $5 billion on programs to help other countries. But the case for foreign aid is extremely weak. Countries that are growing out of poverty do so because they got rid of socialist policies and adopted free markets, liberalized trade and private property rights.
Countries that remain poor are those where governments are still crushing private initiative. Until they liberalize their economy and free their citizens, no amount of aid will make a difference. On the contrary, it creates a cycle of dependency and helps these government stays in power.
We should use that money to cut taxes or help Canadians in need and phase out this foreign aid, for which there is no moral or economic efficiency argument. And focus on core humanitarian efforts during emergencies such as health crises, major conflicts and natural disasters."  see this article from Globe & Mail on Trudeau 2.0 spending

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