Sep 11, 2018

Maxime Bernier is capturing the attention of Canadians across the nation

Sue Parker Thank you Maxime Bernier for acknowledging that Canada does have it's own Core Identity and Culture. You speak for the majority of Canadians who have been silenced, shamed and called racists for refusing to jump on the Globalist Agenda bandwagon that has opened our Country to those who will never accept our way of life let alone our laws. Their only focus is to change the host country. I'm tired of being told how to think, what to say and how I should feel. I'm disgusted with Politicians conspiring with special interest groups to rule our Country. People need to cast the non-Canadian born Politicians out of Government. Tax payers no longer want to PAY for the demise of their own country.#MAXIME2019 🇨🇦👊🇨🇦️ [ supporter at Maxime Bernier, facebook page]

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